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British 4 year old blows up spies in Islamic State

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Here's the future. It's beyond tragic.



A British child has been filmed detonating a car bomb that appears to have killed three men in Islamic State territory in Syria.


Isa Dare, four, has spent almost all his life in the clutches of Isis after his mother, who was born in London, converted to Islam and took him to join the jihadists.


In the video released last night the boy pressed a button on a hand-held detonator that seemed to blow up alleged spies in a car behind him.

A masked jihadist with a British accent is first shown removing hoods from three men in orange jumpsuits sitting in a car. Isa pushed a button and the car was engulfed in flames. The masked militant addressed David Cameron while standing over Isa, whose father is still in Britain and whose Swedish jihadist stepfather was killed fighting for Isis.


The slickly filmed video, which is believed to have been shot in Isis’s de facto capital of Raqqa, is entitled: “They are the enemy so be aware of them.” In the footage the boy declared, “We are going to kill the kuffar [non-believers] over there”, before pointing to the prisoners.


One by one, each man was shown confessing either to spying on or conspiring against Isis by providing intelligence to the West. They looked terrified, handcuffed to the inside of the car. Before they were apparently killed the senior Isis commander threatened Mr Cameron for arming the terrorist group’s enemies in Syria.


The man, whose face was hidden behind a white shawl, said: “You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls. So, no, David Cameron, you’ve given the whole world more certainty in this [inaudible].

“You’ve only done two things. Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West. So today, we’re going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.”


This was likely to be a reference to Britons killed in drone strikes, such as Reyaad Khan and Ruhul Amin, two young men from Cardiff who were killed by the RAF in Syria last year.


He then placed a hand on the young boy’s head and added: “So prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army.”


After the bomb was apparently set off the boy stood triumphantly next to the twisted and charred remains of the car, his hand raised in the air in celebration. He shouted: “Allahu akbar.”

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