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Can you report someone Single Person Council Tax Discount fraud?

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What, he/you want to see my qualifications so that you can assess whether or not you are prepared to consider any of the points made?


Where is your specials ID to support your claim that you were one?

It works two ways - I do not need to see it to consider if I think anything you have to say on any topic has any validity or carries any great weight.


I have no idea what he or you do for a living - nor do I care - I do however care that people may come on here and purport to give advice when they are plain wrong and others who may not know better could act on the basis it.


My occupation is my business not yours or anyone else's on this forum.


It only matters when someone makes a great point about how they know.a topic better than someone else. At that point I'd say it's reasonable to expect someone to explain where their enhanced knowledge comes from. If they aren't willing to do that then there is absolutely no reason why anyone should hold their opinion in any higher regard than anyone else's. Do you understand now? Can you answer without giving away your job as you are reluctant to do so, at least a rough indication as to why you know so much about the workings of the CPS?

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The most important aim for Isabelle is to get her name removed from the mortgage . Isabelle's ex needs to be presuaded to try harder to get a mortgage in his own name which shouldn't be a problem given the fact he has managed to pay for one without Isabelle contributing for the past five years . If buying Isabelle's stake in the house has been a stubbling block in negotiations in the past, then maybe a solution is for Isabelle to negotiate a percent share of the proceeds of any future sale of the property


On what basis is he going to be persuaded?

He has what he wants.

He can just ignore her, if there is no compelling reason for him to get a mortgage.

Being able to pay doesnt mean he can get one. There could be plenty of reasons why he is considered uncreditworthy.


She's already at 50%, so why would he be willing to give up his half?

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What nonsense is this?


I'm calling poppy-****, there is no such law.



Then Sheffield City council, the CAB and Job Center have all lied to me...


when asking about the rules for a partner staying over, they told me that if we are both over 18 and they spend more than 3 nights (over 1/2 the week) here, they are liable for Council Tax on the property as a 2nd adult....

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Then Sheffield City council, the CAB and Job Center have all lied to me...


when asking about the rules for a partner staying over, they told me that if we are both over 18 and they spend more than 3 nights (over 1/2 the week) here, they are liable for Council Tax on the property as a 2nd adult....



But the drone knows better doesn't he:):)

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On what basis is he going to be persuaded?

He has what he wants.

He can just ignore her, if there is no compelling reason for him to get a mortgage.

Being able to pay doesnt mean he can get one. There could be plenty of reasons why he is considered uncreditworthy.


She's already at 50%, so why would he be willing to give up his half?

How much money do you think Isabelle would end up with after a forced sale regarding a property with only £12,000 equity ?


You are making assumptions regarding his ability to get a mortgage in is own name and how hard he has tried . You also do not know what the nature of any past negotiations have been . A face to face meeting is a good basis to start persuading someone to change their position .


Please explain how and what information you have used to calculate the 50% figure you mention :huh:

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How much money do you think Isabelle would end up with after a forced sale regarding a property with only £12,000 equity ?


You are making assumptions regarding his ability to get a mortgage in is own name and how hard he has tried . You also do not know what the nature of any past negotiations have been . A face to face meeting is a good basis to start persuading someone to change their position .


Please explain how and what information you have used to calculate the 50% figure you mention :huh:


He has what he wants why does he have to do anything?

She can ask the court to deduct expenses from his share.

I thought a minute ago you were saying she just wants her name off the mortgage.


He has no reason to comply. He is happy as he is. thast why its gone on 5 years.

50% is the starting point. IIt would help if you went and read up on orders for sale. tnen you could see how they work.

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He has what he wants why does he have to do anything?

She can ask the court to deduct expenses from his share.

I thought a minute ago you were saying she just wants her name off the mortgage.


He has no reason to comply. He is happy as he is. thast why its gone on 5 years.

50% is the starting point. IIt would help if you went and read up on orders for sale. tnen you could see how they work.

You are assuming the court would order the force sale which is not guaranteed. Given the small amount of equity involved it is not worth the risk of going to the court . I doubt very much Isabelle would be awarded any sum near to 50 % of any proceeds left after the sale of the house given the fact she has not contributed to any mortgage repayments for the last five years .


Again you do not know the reason why negotiations have failed in the past or how hard any of the parties have tried to resolve the dispute . Isabelle deserves to be rewarded for helping the guy get on the property ladder , but a forced sale is not a sensible way to go about getting a satisfactory outcome for her . You do the maths ............


Yes having her name removed from the mortgage should be the number one priority .

Edited by Gamston
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Then Sheffield City council, the CAB and Job Center have all lied to me...


when asking about the rules for a partner staying over, they told me that if we are both over 18 and they spend more than 3 nights (over 1/2 the week) here, they are liable for Council Tax on the property as a 2nd adult....


Advicenow.co.uk appears to think they did lie to you.

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You are assuming the court would order the force sale which is not guaranteed. Given the small amount of equity involved it is not worth the risk of going to the court . I doubt very much Isabelle would be awarded any sum near to 50 % of any proceeds left after the sale of the house given the fact she has not contributed to any mortgage repayments for the last five years .


Again you do not know the reason why negotiations have failed in the past or how hard any of the parties have tried to resolve the dispute . Isabelle deserves to be rewarded for helping the guy get on the property ladder , but a forced sale is not a sensible way to go about getting a satisfactory outcome for her . You do the maths ............


Yes having her name removed from the mortgage should be the number one priority .


1. I'm talking about an order for sale because this is the process that is used where the other party will not co-operate. If you bothered to look up what they are and how they work then you might be able to comment with greater knowledge. Considering the criteria used and the her situation, then I think she will get one. If you dont know what they are its hard for you to argue about them.


2. Why do i say 50%? Because ive bothered to go and look at how the court decides shares. If you dont know the criteria the court uses, then again you are basing your opinion on nothing. Go and read up.


3. What you do know is that Isabelle knows what he's like and she has tried for 5 years to get him to sell the house, but he has not. His latest reason of no mortgage mya be true or it may be a lie. In any event the situation remains in his favour i.e the house isnt sold. If he wnated to sell he could decide to do so tomorrow. he clearly doesnt. he isnt making any constructive proposals, he's not interested in selling, so he's happy to carry on.


4. Your new plan is to negotiate, which am sure he is expert at stringing her along. Meanwhile the house remains unsold. Presumably Isabelle has a good idea whether hes not trying to get a mortgage or whether there are good reasons why he is uncreditworthy. being able to pay does not mena he will pass a credit check. You cna negotuate all the time you are pursiong the order for sale. He can simply laugh in your face becayse he has what he wants whilst the house remains unsold. You have no leverage over him.


5. Whilst the house remains unsold then its unlikely Isabelle will be able to get another mortgage.

Edited by 999tigger
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Then Sheffield City council, the CAB and Job Center have all lied to me...


when asking about the rules for a partner staying over, they told me that if we are both over 18 and they spend more than 3 nights (over 1/2 the week) here, they are liable for Council Tax on the property as a 2nd adult....


It should be easy enough to find the law that says so then...


---------- Post added 15-02-2016 at 21:51 ----------


You've also claimed for the 2nd time that I made some claim to be an expert, that's known as you lying, I made no such claim.



Ah the droning continues.

It's "droning" when I point out that you're lying... I see.


This is a public forum on which there are many contributors - some of whom have particular knowledge or expertise in specific areas.

There are also those who believe they have expertise when they plainly do not and do not like their "authority''(ego) challenged.

You refuse to say what expertise you have though, is it secret?


Some people look on the forum for advice or information and may rely on it if they feel they have no other options.


If advice / opinion is given in an area where someone has particular knowledge then fair enough - where erroneous and misguided /misleading garbage is spouted by someone who plainly does not know what they are talking about then they can expect to be taken to task.

Are you "taking to task" by just repeating "you're wrong" but then refusing to offer any evidence? If you have the evidence, why are you so shy to prove yourself to be correct?


What then happens is the rather juvenile petty name calling starts and worse you could be called a liar -

If you can identify a lie I've made, then go ahead.

Perhaps you'll just be droning on though...

If Cyclone wants to play the big man then he needs to be a little better informed than he makes out. He doesn't like it though - :D:D:D

I don't like what? Can you rephrase that paragraph to make sense?


---------- Post added 15-02-2016 at 21:57 ----------


Advicenow.co.uk appears to think they did lie to you.


This isn't authoritative, but it says


Council tax

If you're claiming a single person's discount for your council tax, you should speak to your local council about whether having someone to stay will affect it. Normally, if the person has another main residence it doesn't.


Which makes sense.


Other websites suggest that 30 days is a limit some councils have told people.

3 days sounds ludicrously short anyway.


---------- Post added 15-02-2016 at 21:58 ----------


A forced sale funnily enough gets her what she wants. Whilsy she is ontaining it therew no reason she cant carry on negotiations. for the moment he is doing nothing.

As i said the starting point is 50%, but you never read anything.


Even if it's likely that she would get less than 50% (as seems likely having read some of the info you provided), the key thing is that she gets her name off the mortgage, which is what she wants. If she ends up with a few thousand £ as well, then that's just a bonus.

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