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How to die: Simon's choice

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Showed on BBC2 yesterday. That was strong and emotional for me showing a difficult topic of euthanasia. I understand why somebody with not curable illness wants to die this way but I'm still not convinced about legalise it in UK. Both, the doctor and Simon's wife said there is a great palliative care there. But this very personal documentary made me think about this issue more than I expected.

Edited by canalforall
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It was very interesting. I just put it on for 5 mins before bed, and ended up watching it right through.


It raised many questions, I thought.


Listening to the MPs in the tape played on it, when all the 'let's kill everyone because they're useless' type comments most probably from the left-wing (female) side, I couldn't help but think that rather than a sweeping decision one-way or the other, that this wasn't a typical family. For a start, he was clearly an intelligent person, which isn't the norm.


A big part of the whole issue with Simon was the date thing. The changing of mind was still possible whilst he was able to write, but obviously wouldn't be available when the use of his hands was diminished.


My overall view wasn't changed by the end of the programme. I would still be in favour of choice here.

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I think any nay Sayers (in positions of power mainly I suppose) should be forced to live with a terminally ill person for a month who wants to die and report their findings on why they should be forced to live.


I hope it's legal when I get old p/ill/infirm or some poor bus driver will have a really bad day.

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How does keeping some one alive with a body rotting away slowly with cancer help anyone. We know at the end of life that the cancer is the cause of death but does not actually end the victims life, it's the large amount of drugs administered that does the deed in the end.


If we take that as a given, where is the problem if these drugs are administered a little earlier to bring blessed relief to the slowly dying patient.



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