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Anyone from Stannington?

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My family and I have recently moved to a house by the Anvil pub. We are very interested in the history of the place. We tried checking both 1901 and 1911 census but found nothing (the house was build around 1900).

We were now told that the house used to be a butcher's shop (which explains no data in the census). Does anyone know anything more or perhaps have any old photographs?

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My family and I have recently moved to a house by the Anvil pub. We are very interested in the history of the place. We tried checking both 1901 and 1911 census but found nothing (the house was build around 1900).

We were now told that the house used to be a butcher's shop (which explains no data in the census). Does anyone know anything more or perhaps have any old photographs?


I don't know your area, so can't help directly, but in case you are not aware...


If you go on the Picture Sheffield site at




you can search for photos in particular areas.


Some areas have local history groups (I don't know about Stannington), so me replying might keep the thread high enough up the page until it is seen by someone who knows of one and can help.


If you are lucky, Hillsbro will see this thread. He is a mine of information and has access to old Kelly's directories. And more importantly, he clearly likes to help people where he can.

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...If you are lucky, Hillsbro will see this thread...
Well, here goes - it seems I have a reputation to live up to! I was born on Low Road so I remember the area quite well from the 1950s. The nearest butcher's shop to the Anvil that I recall was Hibberd's (later Ibbotson's) at 243 Stannington Road near the top of Middle Lane (which we always knew as the "Butcher's Hill"). The corner house directly opposite the Anvil (55 Stannington Road) was Charlie Crownshaw's grocer's shop.


The 1905 directory doesn't mention a butcher's shop on that part of Stannington Road (there were several other shops just below Low Road) but No 55 was a grocer's shop (George Merrill) and No 243 was a butcher's (George Wild) even then. The even-numbered houses were still being built in 1905. No 76 (corner of Malin Road) was a grocer's shop by 1910.

Edited by hillsbro
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Try the electoral rolls in the Local History library within Central library in town.

Locate the property and look at who lived there at the times of the census i.e., 1911. 1901 .

If you are able to find some names of the occupants of the property there are plenty of us on here who can look up the people on our links to ancestry websites and maybe find out a little bit more for you.

Even though the property was used as a butchers shop it was usually the case in those days that those who ran the shop lived on the premises- especially if it was a family run affair which most of them were in those days.


Edited by Daven
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No 86 isn't shown in the 1905 or 1911 directories (so this explains the lack of census entries - the house hadn't yet been built)..


The next directory I have is that of 1925, when the occupant was "George Henry Dawson, ironmonger's assistant". George Dawson died in 1929 and the 1931 directory shows "Mrs Elizabeth Dawson" there (George and Elizabeth Dawson are shown at 233 Dykes Lane in the 1911 census return). Here are the occupants of No 86 as shown in later directories that I have:.


1937 and 1942 Henry John Twidale, steel worker

1951 and 1954 Harry Leatherland

1957 to 1974 Rudolph Krzok.


The 1974 directory was the last one published.

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Thank you so much.

Hillsbro, Do you remember the house as anything else other than a residential property ?

Is there anymore information on these occupants in the directories other than names?

(According to our survey report the house was built between 1890 and 1900 - we haven't got the deeds yet - is is possible that it was not listed on the directories ?)

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I only ever remember the house as residential. It cannot have been there in 1905 as on this map of that date there are no houses above or below where Malin Road was later built. The fact that the 1911 directory doesn't list No 86 suggests that it was built after 1910 (when the 1911 directory was compiled). Entries in directories only give the name of each householder (also their occupation, until this was dropped in the post-war period).

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hello again,


I am finding it massively fascinating.

There is an article on Sheffield Star on Rudolf Krzok who passed away last year in February:




This gentleman was originally Polish - So am I!

He was one of the war heroes that settled in the UK after the war - even more interesting!

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