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Michigan law USA , life in prison for (male) homosexuality

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It appears that an old law forbidding male homosexual activity (along with bestiality) has been recently been reinforced by politicians in Michigan.


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and here


The bill makes male homosexual sex a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. In addition to this, if someone is already already a sex offender it becomes punishable by life imprisonment.

This would effectively mean that if you are found guilty of sodomy more than once, you could face life behind bars.


I would have thought this is a severe breach of human rights, I doubt this is enforcible in reality, which begs the question, why update the law to keep sodomy illegal? :suspect:


From what I've read it started out as a review to improve animal cruelty laws but the republicans dealing with it (an old, existing piece of legislation) refused to remove the parts about homosexuality being an abomination. Obviously, this has not gone unnoticed.

Edited by RootsBooster
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Sounds like utter nonsense . I think it was in 2003 that those USA states where homosexuality was technically still illegal changed the law .


Nonsense as in you don't believe the story or nonsense as in it's unenforcible?

It's clearly not enforcible so the question is, why leave the part about sodomy in when you're revising the law?

Edited by RootsBooster
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As one of the legislators stated, if they tried to remove the part about human sodomy the whole bill would have failed as the 'Christians' would have blocked it on the grounds that it would seem to condone homosexuality.

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It's not only homosexuals, any sodomy.


I was about to say exactly that, that whilst you could argue it targets gay men for than other sections of society the law is around sodomy and not homosexuality and it's an important point, whilst equally laughable.


There was a load of ho-hah a few years back about girls in 'traditional christian' schools in the deep south being advised to have anal sex before marriage if they were forced to do so as it would still keep them pure. So now that's banned too, is no one allowed any fun anymore?

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Isnt the thing that shines through all these issues the unforgiving nature of christians?


Jesus surrounded himself with men. As he was a man, presumably with mens tastes, drives and instincts isn't there some indication that he was gay? He never married, the magdalene was there but there is no indication of a sexual or romantic relationship with her.


Maybe these christians who are so quick to judge and pontificate should meditate on the true nature of Jesus.

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Nonsense as in you don't believe the story or nonsense as in it's unenforcible?

It's clearly not enforcible so the question is, why leave the part about sodomy in when you're revising the law?


Nonsense in the fact the local politicians are wasting time nitpicking when homosexuality is now legal .

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Isnt the thing that shines through all these issues the unforgiving nature of christians?


Jesus surrounded himself with men. As he was a man, presumably with mens tastes, drives and instincts isn't there some indication that he was gay? He never married, the magdalene was there but there is no indication of a sexual or romantic relationship with her.


Maybe these christians who are so quick to judge and pontificate should meditate on the true nature of Jesus.


That might not be true.

The authenticity of the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” hasn't been decided.

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It appears that an old law forbidding male homosexual activity (along with bestiality) has been recently been reinforced by politicians in Michigan.


Link here


and here


The bill makes male homosexual sex a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. In addition to this, if someone is already already a sex offender it becomes punishable by life imprisonment.

This would effectively mean that if you are found guilty of sodomy more than once, you could face life behind bars.


I would have thought this is a severe breach of human rights, I doubt this is enforcible in reality, which begs the question, why update the law to keep sodomy illegal? :suspect:


From what I've read it started out as a review to improve animal cruelty laws but the republicans dealing with it (an old, existing piece of legislation) refused to remove the parts about homosexuality being an abomination. Obviously, this has not gone unnoticed.


Unconstitutional though so if they even tried to enforce it, then it would just be appealed. From the article it suggest the anomaly is ignored and as you pointed out it was about animal cruelty.

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