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Pictures Of Dykes Hall Road


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The description is excellent! Thank you for that :)


A strange question, but what kind of bricks was it built out of? Was it the quite large old granite style that varied a bit in size?


Thank you again :)

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The house was stone-built, or at least stone-fronted as are all the houses in Dykes Hall Road below the Beehive Inn (with one exception - No 46). The still-existing houses a little lower down than No 96 are bigger, but are built from the same sort of local sandstone (or "millstone grit" as geologists call it) as No 96. Our house (No 20) was built in 1869 and was one of the first. I would imagine that No 96 was built in the 1880s or 1890s, when there was a "building boom" in Sheffield due to the expansion of heavy industry; the row of houses that includes No 96 can be seen on an Ordnance Suvey map of 1912.

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The optician's closed in about 2001. From about the early 1960s until the mid-1980s Mr F.H. Bramley was the optician; he sold out to "Freeston & Turpin" (Mr Freeston being the ophthalmic optician and Mr Turpin the dispensing optician). Mr Bramley had purchased Nos 1 and 3 and knocked them through into one - and it was indeed a bit of a warren. Before this, until c. 1962, No 1 was a fish & chip shop. Mrs Patterson owned the business and lived at the back; she ran the shop with help from Mrs Poole (Elizabeth Poole, 1903-79) who lived at No 33. Mrs Patterson served customers and Mrs Poole did the frying and preparation.


Hope this is of interest - I lived nearby from 1952 to 1986. Sorry I don't have any photos!

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