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That Dragon, Cancer

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Something that affects most of our lives sooner or later, a sensitive subject approached through the media of gaming, link here.


Would you buy it?

The heavy theistic overtones aside, I think I'd be tempted to buy it if it became available for the Android platform.

The only thing that puts me off is the price, it's about £10 and it appears that none of this goes toward any cancer charities, so (unless I'm ill-informed) they're basically making a profit from cancer and doing nothing to help fight against it.


That said, I suspect it could be a groundbreaking method for cancer awareness, if developed in other ways.

Thoughts and opinions?

Edited by RootsBooster
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I dont think that there are many people today that have not had their lives touched by cancer in some way or another by having a friend or family member suffering from it. I'm not sure why this video game is necessary and would urge people to give the same donation to a cancer charity insted.


Somehow I find this a bit depressing and unnecessary.

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Why? They are not helping to fight cancer, but rather have created a game where you appear to experience (as closely as you can in a game) the pain and anguish of someone with a child that has cancer.


Unless you are in this situation ever, don't look to experience this kind of heart ache! Tr going outside and spending time with your family instead.

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