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Anti-Russian propoganda?

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Precisely and when was the last time the UK or USA invaded a sovereign country with troops without insignia and denied it until they took over?
Is that question meant to encompass US and GB special ops troops who have been on the ground in Syria for weeks and months now, or do they not count because they're "ours"? ;)

Russia have bombed a hospital again I note. If this was the USA, people would be chomping at the bit to complain. Where are these people now?
Assad has been barrel-bombing civilians indiscriminately for years, and still does.


Putin has been muscling his way beyond Russian borders for years, and still does.


So complaining on public forums and even grand-scale in Western mass media about a hospital getting bombed by Russian air forces is going to change and achieve what, precisely? :|

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Is that question meant to encompass US and GB special ops troops who have been on the ground in Syria for weeks and months now, or do they not count because they're "ours"? ;)


Are they invading/claiming syria as part of the US or UK? Nope, so not the same at all. Nice try at deflecting.


Assad has been barrel-bombing civilians indiscriminately for years, and still does.


Putin has been muscling his way beyond Russian borders for years, and still does.


So complaining on public forums and even grand-scale in Western mass media about a hospital getting bombed by Russian air forces is going to change and achieve what, precisely? :|


Like I said, if this had been a British or American bomb to have hit that hospital, many would be on here screaming blue murder. The fact Russia has done it and people like you want to wring your hands. Very telling.

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Are they invading/claiming syria as part of the US or UK? Nope, so not the same at all. Nice try at deflecting.


Like I said, if this had been a British or American bomb to have hit that hospital, many would be on here screaming blue murder. The fact Russia has done it and people like you want to wring your hands. Very telling.



People "like me" want to "wring my hands"?


Telling what?


WTF? :confused::huh:

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Precisely and when was the last time the UK or USA invaded a sovereign country with troops without insignia and denied it until they took over?


Russia have bombed a hospital again I note. If this was the USA, people would be chomping at the bit to complain. Where are these people now?


There were slight problems with the first bit when the body bags started to arrive back and the families wanted to know what happened.Explaining with a straight face that they had been 'on holiday',Putin might have expected the only response to be,'well,I never got a postcard'..........but I think it was a bit stronger than that.No doubt it got broadcast on RT and everybody accepted it without question..........or else.

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There were slight problems with the first bit when the body bags started to arrive back and the families wanted to know what happened.Explaining with a straight face that they had been 'on holiday',Putin might have expected the only response to be,'well,I never got a postcard'..........but I think it was a bit stronger than that.No doubt it got broadcast on RT and everybody accepted it without question..........or else.


Don't worry,


Whoops. Wrong report.

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Uk forces operate under far more scrutiny and onerous rules of engagement.


Putin has very ral objectives to do with influence and protecting an ally. Its not a fight against Isis is a fight to support Assad, which is different. The overhwleming efforts are against the anti assad non ISIS forces. Now a lot of those have been defeated he cna conveniently call in the west for a ceasefire and to send them futher refugees fleeing from Russian bombs.

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Uk forces operate under far more scrutiny and onerous rules of engagement.


Putin has very ral objectives to do with influence and protecting an ally. Its not a fight against Isis is a fight to support Assad, which is different. The overhwleming efforts are against the anti assad non ISIS forces. Now a lot of those have been defeated he cna conveniently call in the west for a ceasefire and to send them futher refugees fleeing from Russian bombs.

Isis and the US backed Syrian rebels are the same

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