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The Pope had a married girlfriend

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Many will infer and indeed state that the man was evil, and a hypocrite and all the base vile things they can think of.


This is humanity at its nadir. Like a pack of vultures.


Evil for loving someone? No no-one's going to say that.


Evil for protecting paedophiles from the law, yeah that's kind of hard to argue with. Slightly lower on the morality scale than a few people being mean on the internet.

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A man has needs.


So true. PJP2 was a fine man apart from the bad bits, and as the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some. A man is born, he's a man of means. Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans.

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Quote from link

There is no indication that the former pope, who died in 2005 and was made a saint by Pope Francis, had a sexual relationship with Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka or ever broke his vow of celibacy'


just what are people trying to infer on this thread?


I assume that he played hide the sausage.



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