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St Patrick's Day 2004


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Well i'll definatly be having a couple of pints of the black stuff.I really can't see the harm in having a bit of a knee's up,so what if he wasn't english,its a good excuse to have some fun!! I've been to Dublin a couple of times on St Partricks day and had a great time!!

I would really love to be able to celebrate St Georges day in the same way but seen as 1.We dont get the day off and 2.We'd get called racist by all the lefty idiots i'm afriad its not possible. :(

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imo the reason we don't celebrate St G's day is because nobody will organise it. It's nothing to do with being called racist or the fact that St G wasn't even English it's just apathy.


If all you people spouting off about lefties and do-gooders got off your arses and did something yourselves then, who knows, in a few years time it could be a national holiday.

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Originally posted by tittyheed

TV will be full of ads for it,and radio stations will be hammering Van Morrison


Van Morrison is actually from Northern Ireland, so technically he is British, but I know what you mean.


Had a nice pint of Guiness in the Dog and Partridge on Thursday.:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by tittyheed

thats funny is it?I'm glad to hear you would sooner be a paddy than English,they can have you


Um.... calling Irish people Paddies is racist.


Therefore you're being just as bad as wot you're complaining to him about.

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To be honest, i don't think it's anything to do with patriotism or racism, It's just the fact that guinness have marketed it so well, that its become big. Unfortunately there's no really good english ale big enough to market a St. Georges day celebration. I really think that if St Georges day was done well, then we would too, have a celebration. I don't think anyone seriously, would complain that it's racist.

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