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St Patrick's Day 2004


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I love St Pats day as the irish know how to celebrate, for the Irish its not about jingoistic nationalism, its about having a good p*ss up!


Me'self personally, I'd rather celebrate 1st August....Yorkshire day, as I am a Yorkshireman first and formost!! :thumbsup:

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The only English ale which uses St Georges day in it's marketing is Bombardier Bitter, using the strap line 'England's patron pint'. However this beer tends to be found mainly down South.


Only St George's day event I've seen advertised round here is a beer festival at the pub at Worksop station.


Anyway, this thread is about St Patricks. Why not celebrate our Irish neighbours, and after all, there are many Irish people living here now. At the end of the day it's an excuse for a party.


It would be nice if we could drink proper quality Irish beer at these dos though, rather than Guinness that has been brewed under licence in a factory in London! - it's never seen Ireland!


We don't complain when hotels and pubs in England celebrate Burns night, why St Patricks?


Do agree we need to celebrate St Georges better.

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whats wrong with St Patricks day? Its the English stiff upper lip that stops us enjoying St Georges day, we cant be seen to be enjoying ourselves, its just not cricket; but the Irish, the lovable, sweet Irish know how to enjoy themselves on their patron saints day.

There are lots of great English men that are worthy of celebration like Brunel,Stephenson,Drake,Nelson the list is endless.

All I can say to the author tittyheed is, go and enjoy St Patricks day dont decry it.

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Hope his being of French descent doesn't make him illegible!


Mind you, as already pointed out elsewhere, St Patrick wasn't Irish, and St George wasn't English.


But what the hell, we salute the Queen who isn't even British.


What the hell (again), "HAIL ST ISAMBARD", at least we know he was real AND a hero :thumbsup::partyhat:

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Originally posted by Whelk

I thought he was from Palestine.


St.Patrick wasn't Irish though.


Just to jump on this totally irrelevant bandwagon...


Captain Cook never actually founded Australia, more to the point he wasnt even a captain....so there :-P


i know crap facts too


Rant over *jumps off soapbox*

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Originally posted by markham



Hope his being of French descent doesn't make him illegible!



As far as I know being of French descent doesn't make you indecipherable - although I suppose the French accent could make him unintelligible :)

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