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Making contact with aliens

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China are building a receiver- not a transmitter and anyway The Earth has been sending radio signals out into space for over a hundred years, currently all life forms within a radius of 100 light years could have "heard" us.


Isn't it true that even if we did receive some sort of message or signal that the sender might well have ceased to exist, or their star system gone supernova or whatever...The distances would be so vast that any signals we did get would be very, very old. The same goes for us sending signals out there!

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What signal should we send out then?


A message of peace? They might not understand our version of peace and take it as an act of war.

The equivalent of gone fishing sign, to throw them off the scent?

A request for the pangalactic equivalent of a cup of sugar?


The Teletubbies box set might be safest.

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What signal should we send out then?


A message of peace? They might not understand our version of peace and take it as an act of war.

The equivalent of gone fishing sign, to throw them off the scent?

A request for the pangalactic equivalent of a cup of sugar?


The Teletubbies box set might be safest.


Why send a specific signal? We're sending enough noise into space to make sure that somebody can notices us if they're close enough.


Have you read contact by Carl Sagan? It's a good novel, the movie isn't too bad either.

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Why send a specific signal? We're sending enough noise into space to make sure that somebody can notices us if they're close enough.


Have you read contact by Carl Sagan? It's a good novel, the movie isn't too bad either.


I read Contact a very long time ago. I can't say I remember much really but Sagan always knew his audience and treated them well, so thanks for the reminder to revisit it.


I understand that the general electromagnetic noise we generate now does decay reasonably quickly over the distances were talking about here, so I'm thinking of something really deliberate, focussed for distance, and thought out beforehand.


I'm quite warming to the Teletubbie idea now that I've said it. Any alien worth it's salt will hopefully either ignore it as an anomaly or realise that Earth has a sense of humour and is not to be trifled with.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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There is a school of thought that states we have been visited already. Erich Von Daniken is a major proponent of this.


I listened to a talk given by a prominent archaeologist where he was asked about the similarities between ancient structures notably pyramids.


It was noted that the pyramids of Egypt and the very first pyramids of Southern and Central America are similar, also there are examples of pyramid structures in the Canary Isles and East Asia.


The speaker stated that in his opinion, at the end of the last great Ice Age some 5,000 years ago "something happened". He was not specific but clearly felt that the great surge of creativity may well have needed the assistance and intervention of extra terrestrials.


Who knows? One thing is clear, if they do appear it will put all our petty wars and disputes into perspective.


i wholeheartedly agree with this, i am sure these structures were not built by man alone, something or some being has been here before, some of the tolerances are so perfect and angles so precise stone-age man etc couldnt have done it.

i have no idea what or who but there are some things on this earth created thousands of years ago that we would struggle to do now even with all the technology??

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i wholeheartedly agree with this, i am sure these structures were not built by man alone, something or some being has been here before, some of the tolerances are so perfect and angles so precise stone-age man etc couldnt have done it.

i have no idea what or who but there are some things on this earth created thousands of years ago that we would struggle to do now even with all the technology??


The trig' is really straightforward and easy to do with a stick and some string, and the ancient Egyptians had much more advanced maths and science than that anyway.

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There is a school of thought that states we have been visited already. Erich Von Daniken is a major proponent of this.


There is a similar school of thought that states that mankind was created by a superior celestial lifeform. Religious fruitcakes are a major proponent of this.

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The trig' is really straightforward and easy to do with a stick and some string, and the ancient Egyptians had much more advanced maths and science than that anyway.


But who gave them the idea for the trig? the Egyptians no doubt got their info from the Assyrians, but where did it originate? Do you entirely rebuff the possibility that at some time in the past this planet has been visited?


Reading Von Daniken I realise that some of his examples are a bit far fetched but there are some details that seem plausible.


---------- Post added 16-02-2016 at 17:52 ----------


There is a similar school of thought that states that mankind was created by a superior celestial lifeform. Religious fruitcakes are a major proponent of this.


I can see religion being the way in which the inexplicable was explained. Early religions seem to focus on nature, the sun, moon, natural phenomena, later we seem to develop a focus on individuals, Jehovah, Baal, Thor, Feathered serpent etc.


Does this later manifestation of religious thought come about after encountering "superior" beings?

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