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Making contact with aliens

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But who gave them the idea for the trig? the Egyptians no doubt got their info from the Assyrians, but where did it originate?
Trig isn't difficult. Anyone can set out a perfect square with just a single piece of string. Use a bigger string for a bigger square.


Do you entirely rebuff the possibility that at some time in the past this planet has been visited?

No, but to all intents and purposes you can take that as really being a yes. :)


Reading Von Daniken I realise that some of his examples are a bit far fetched but there are some details that seem plausible.

He made it up to sell books. He made it up so much that he actually forged artefacts. Sorry if that's come as a bit of a shock

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Have you read contact by Carl Sagan? It's a good novel, the movie isn't too bad either.


Funny enough I was only watching that a few weeks ago but..


There is one problem using the Hitler broadcast in the story. It is very unlikely that Aliens could have picked it up in the far reaches of space. The TV broadcast was in VHF and at such a low power it would have been very hard for it to escape into space in the first place.


Still a good film though.

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The trig' is really straightforward and easy to do with a stick and some string, and the ancient Egyptians had much more advanced maths and science than that anyway.



what about this then?? who built it to such perfection and as it can only be properly seen from the air:huh: a small one maybe but the huge ones????

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i wholeheartedly agree with this, i am sure these structures were not built by man alone, something or some being has been here before, some of the tolerances are so perfect and angles so precise stone-age man etc couldnt have done it.

i have no idea what or who but there are some things on this earth created thousands of years ago that we would struggle to do now even with all the technology??


the pyramid builders weren't stone age more bronze/iron age.


in our arrogance we tend to forget that they really were a clever bunch, they invented mummification, papyrus and, the one thing which really marks an advanced civilisation - bureaucrats.


---------- Post added 16-02-2016 at 18:47 ----------


China's building a new radio telescope to try to make contact with aliens. I can't help thinking that we're better off not doing.


well, lets hope any aliens don't pick up stuff posted on here, most of the posters here seem very hostile to people a few thousand miles away no telling what they'll do to people from tens of millions of miles away

Edited by andyofborg
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In all of the millions of years that aliens have been visiting the Earth not one of them dropped a fag end, food, fastening, excrement, wrapping, shoe, seed, coin or other alien equivalent artefact. No alloy, tool, construction material has ever been found and established as being of alien origin. No tables, chairs, shelters, factories of any kind. No power sources. No alien artefact has ever been shown to have been made, created, shaped by alien techniques.


The geometry was a necessary tool to re draw the boundaries of flooded land. Taxation and beliefs needed mathematics to count, record, predict and budget the evolution of ideas, units, theorem etc. are well documented and require no divine or alien input.


There is no theory extant that can show how DNA has been interfered with in a similar way.

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what about this then?? who built it to such perfection and as it can only be properly seen from the air:huh: a small one maybe but the huge ones????


They aren't that big, how do you know that they are perfect, why would aliens crossing the galaxy need a runway, and give me some string and three sticks and I'll make you a Nazca humming bird in a day. :)

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Funny enough I was only watching that a few weeks ago but..


There is one problem using the Hitler broadcast in the story. It is very unlikely that Aliens could have picked it up in the far reaches of space. The TV broadcast was in VHF and at such a low power it would have been very hard for it to escape into space in the first place.


Still a good film though.


The book's much better. Sagan explains all the technical stuff, like how two species could understand each other, having no knowledge of each others language, verbal, or written, how the machine works, stuff like that.

Sagan hated the film. I wasn't too impressed either, having read the book first.

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what about this then?? who built it to such perfection and as it can only be properly seen from the air:huh: a small one maybe but the huge ones????


What's more likely?

1. Bronze age people knew some building tricks we're having a little trouble figuring out.

2. Space aliens defied the laws of physics or demonstrated ridiculous patience and travelled insane distances and their only impact was slightly anomalous impressive building skills.


---------- Post added 16-02-2016 at 19:41 ----------


It is cool now that we're starting to fill numbers into the Drake equation.


There's very good reason to think that technically advanced civilisations are extremely rare.


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The Egyptians (and those in the fertile crescent) were not "stone age", their geometry was enhanced by their need to rebuild boundaries after the annual floods and their beliefs which involved astronomy and accurate seasonal predictions.


They were the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis and circumference of the Earth- quite accurately.


They measured time and distance with the same units as we do now.


They used formula for construction design and for materials used.

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