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Making contact with aliens

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"Trig" isn't difficult for you because someone taught you to do it.


The allegations against Von Daniken are plausible but unproven.


Your mind is clearly closed to the possibility of extra terrestial visitation. Personally, I regard it like religion, probably a load of rubbish, but you never KNOW.


---------- Post added 17-02-2016 at 14:35 ----------



You clearly are knowledgeable on this subject, am I right that the Egyptians learned a great deal from the Assyrians?


I used to think like I'd taken acid when I was 13 too. Then you get a bit of real knowledge later in life. :)

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I am sure you are right, but, it was once considered an indisputable fact that if people were transported at more than 30 miles an hour on the railway they would die.


Whose to say that nuclear fusion wont eventually supply with new and dramatically more powerful methods of propulsion?


I have no way of disputing your comment, however, we can dream, and from dreams.........................


You realise that the sun is a massive fusion reactor? In an uncontrolled runaway fusion reaction that's been going on for 4 billion years?

We can generate fusion level energy (and significantly higher) on a small scale to observe what happens. And there's no evidence of it propelling things to faster than light (nor as we understand is that physically possible).

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There is a school of thought that states we have been visited already. Erich Von Daniken is a major proponent of this.



His books make interesting reading - but he has been 'caught out' many times since publishing.

In one of his books - perhaps 'Chariots of the Gods' - he mentioned an upright metal post in India, which he stated was made of a material unknown to man, and dense/strong enough to resist all attempts at defacing/analysing it.

I saw said post on a visit in the early 70's, and it's got more graffiti carved into it than the average pub toilet wall....

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His books make interesting reading - but he has been 'caught out' many times since publishing.

In one of his books - perhaps 'Chariots of the Gods' - he mentioned an upright metal post in India, which he stated was made of a material unknown to man, and dense/strong enough to resist all attempts at defacing/analysing it.

I saw said post on a visit in the early 70's, and it's got more graffiti carved into it than the average pub toilet wall....


The man is somewhat a charlatan no doubt about it. But, he did get people thinking and arguing.


We must keep challenging and wondering, its what makes us human.

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