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Resurfacing questions..


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Side note: My suspension was snapped yesterday again on a pothole.


This has twice happened in the last couple of months and caused my living to be considerably hindered, but I accept that as a self-employed driver for a living, that my car will have damage caused to it due to the mileage that I rake up, in comparison to the average car driver.




On the way to the garage, I noticed something.


Look at this picture:


Google maps


It's Sandbed Road. This is a road that I pass when I go to to my garage.


I have rarely seen another car other than the few that venture into this secluded and dead ended area.


I noticed today that the mess you can see on either side of this road in the link has been cleaned>dug up> and get this... the footpaths on either side have been rebuilt and resurfaced.


Am I a mug paying my council tax?


Someone answer this from the council please, and explain this. I want to see justification for this cost and work. I know lots of the area is private land, and if they paid for it, I'll accept my post was nonsense. I just can't think that this is the case... why would they do this work?!


I thought I'd post it because no one will ever see this otherwise.

Edited by nikki-red
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Side note: My suspension was snapped yesterday again on a pothole.


This has twice happened in the last couple of months and caused my living to be considerably hindered, but I accept that as a self-employed driver for a living, that my car will have damage caused to it due to the mileage that I rake up, in comparison to the average car driver.




On the way to the garage, I noticed something.


Look at this picture:


Google maps


It's Sandbed Road. This is a road that I pass when I go to to my garage.


I have rarely seen another car other than the few that venture into this secluded and dead ended area.


I noticed today that the mess you can see on either side of this road in the link has been cleaned>dug up> and get this... the footpaths on either side have been rebuilt and resurfaced.


Am I a mug paying my council tax?


Someone answer this from the council please, and explain this. I want to see justification for this cost and work. I know lots of the area is private land, and if they paid for it, I'll accept my post was nonsense. I just can't think that this is the case... why would they do this work?!


I thought I'd post it because no one will ever see this otherwise.

Condolences ... my other half's getting through suspensions, going about her job too.

Like your goodself, I wonder why the dead end road going right up to Redmires top dam (useful only for consenting adults and visitors to where a pole used to be) has taken preference to Crookes main road (as an example), which resembles some kind of heavily shelled war zone? There's no logic whatsoever to this kind of thinking. The garage where my girlfriend gets her suspensions from say that the amount of cars coming in with similar damage is staggering. Whoever's in charge needs shooting. :loopy:

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What amazes me is that they seem completely unwilling to prioritise resurfacing of roads that clearly desperately need doing - some of which have gotten worse over the last few weeks/months after bad weather. It's not like they don't know about them either as I've seen them (eventually) come round and do a terrible job of filling in some of the worse potholes.


Instead they plough on with their plan, which inevitably leads to roads being done that often aren't really in need of resurfacing at all.

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Councillors on the Highway dept , just resign you tools your not fit to be in public office !! Holme Lane tram tracks pot hole right next to track , why can't this work be seen and done at ngt as with a lot of the repairing work that needs done . Think the dummys on SCC , need to go round in there own car on some of our roads that you agreed to run through our city , then see for yourselfs . O forgot they come out of there ivory towers !!

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According to the council website.


"Road and pavement maintenance


Facts and figures


We are responsible for maintaining:


1,180 miles of adopted roads


2,050 miles of pavements"


Just looking at the roads, "if" Amey could resurface one mile of road a day and working 7 days a week, 365 days a year it would only take only about 3.25 years to complete the resurfacing. The question is, why have they not finished?

Edited by Blackbeard
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So, I guess that most of the people posting here don't know that Amey have a 25 year contract from the council to maintain and resurface all the roads and pavements in the Sheffield city area.

That's all the roads. So even the little used one mentioned by the OP.


The council aren't dictating to Amey which roads to resurface. There is no councillor of the highway department to blame.


Go ahead and blame Amey for prioritising the wrong roads. Blame the council for not making the contract more clear. Etc... It just makes you look stupid when you've not found out the basic facts before you start blaming people.

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If you look at the schedule map on the council's website...




...you will see that the design is loosely based upon working on several wards/zones across the city that are not right next to each other, presumably to aim to avoid horrific congestion.

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