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Resurfacing questions..


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not according to here

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_finance_initiative ill not wait for my apology:roll:


why not?


PFI was started by the conservatives but the suceeding labour governments overdosed on the concept to finance a massive renewal of schools and hospitals without creating a lot of visible public sector debt.


here's an example,




dont let the stupidity of maintaining an empty school which could be put to good use deflect you from the even greater stupidity associated with the pfi schemes and the associated costs and maintenance charges.

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Do it! Do it! I just love those photos. I dont think we see enough of them.


I agree.


They probably read this forum though to look for stories. I doubt even Cyclone's sarcastic attempt with his sad face would work. They probably see through it :hihi:




Onto another thing, I drove on Crookes today and thought that the grinded road with raised ironworks is better than it was before, so I'm going to suggest that all bad roads are grinded up to improve them until fix date :hihi:


(raised ironed works are easier to spot and avoid than potholes) ;)

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I worked in Telford for my sins for 8 years and hardly ever saw a pothole!!

The road where I live was littered with potholes until I e mailed the council complaining. It was resurfaced within 6 months and this was only about 2-3 years ago.

Went down Halifax road mid morning today and there was a long tail back of traffic. When I got to the bottom at the Claywheels junction lane there was a lane coned off. Low and behold they were resurfacing the pavement opposite the Wednesday ground. How many people use the path on that side of thee road?

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I worked in Telford for my sins for 8 years and hardly ever saw a pothole!!

The road where I live was littered with potholes until I e mailed the council complaining. It was resurfaced within 6 months and this was only about 2-3 years ago.

Went down Halifax road mid morning today and there was a long tail back of traffic. When I got to the bottom at the Claywheels junction lane there was a lane coned off. Low and behold they were resurfacing the pavement opposite the Wednesday ground. How many people use the path on that side of thee road?


Yes, this coning off was very annoying!!


It meant you couldn't get past the right turners for Leppings Lane.

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It's nothing I wouldn't expect of SCC's approach of 'many cheap expenses is clearly better than one large expense'


They may as well have resurfaced every road back to cobbled streets and saved nature the trouble

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