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Quadruple amputee told to prove he still needs PIP

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The cases of DWP incompetence, lying, malpractice and sheer spite are huge; the consequences are the gravest you can imagine from hardship to death.


And yet very little on the BBC, ITV news. Panorama, Dispatches used to relish investigating and exposing the venality, hypocrisy and ineptness of Govt departments. Not anymore.


I thought I'd start a thread so that Forummers can log their, or other's stories of the woeful cases showing that the DWP is a joke.


A teenage quadruple amputee told to prove he is disabled to keep benefits:


I just hope that Capita have got their eyes peeled in case the young man concerned has his limbs hidden.

Edited by Mister M
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Without knowing anymore than what's in that article, the problem is that once you have a rule it must apply to everyone or it's not a reasonable rule. So does everyone have to prove they are disabled to get the benefit? If so then he's been treated equally (if laughably from the outside!). If he has been singled out for some reason then clearly he's not been treated equally and that should be looked into.


I was under the impression that anyone claiming disability allowance these days had to be 'vetted' by an Atos replacement firm and therefore he's just being dealt with within the rules.

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You'd think they could look at their own records and conclude that since he had no limbs in the past, he probably still doesn't.... But as you say, they were probably just following a procedure of asking everyone to prove their situation. It's not like it will actually be difficult to provide that proof.

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You'd think they could look at their own records and conclude that since he had no limbs in the past, he probably still doesn't.... But as you say, they were probably just following a procedure of asking everyone to prove their situation. It's not like it will actually be difficult to provide that proof.


Yes, that would indeed be the sensible solution.

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You'd think they could look at their own records and conclude that since he had no limbs in the past, he probably still doesn't.... But as you say, they were probably just following a procedure of asking everyone to prove their situation. It's not like it will actually be difficult to provide that proof.


Although you could also argue that they're checking on the off-chance it's a fake claim, obviously in this case it isn't but there are plenty of fakers out there.

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I was reading about this poor lad this morning, common sense and the DWP are two things that do not go together. I mean you never know when arms and legs are going to grow back do you? That beeping IDS has a lot to answer for.


I'm only surprised that the DWP haven't suggested to this young man that he hire himself out as a novelty footstool so that he doesn't have to rely on benefits.

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I was reading about this poor lad this morning, common sense and the DWP are two things that do not go together. I mean you never know when arms and legs are going to grow back do you? That beeping IDS has a lot to answer for.


Common sense is not required nor is it admissible as defence when used either in favour of someone or otherwise.

If its on the paperwork it has to be completed,imagine what the uproar would be if he didn't attempt to prove it,especially as he would in the wrong in that instance.

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Its very easy to be critical, and certainly this case seems insane, however welfare costs have to be contained and were possible lowered. IDS has done an excellent job in challenging the sacred cows of socialist ideology and long may he do so.


When welfare costs are brought under control, taxation fairly wrought, genuine claimants such as the man mentioned should be afforded ever more generous treatment. This can only be done by a government that has clear well thought out policies and rigorous enforcement.


We are getting ths under the Tories after years of Labour profligacy and inept management.

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Although you could also argue that they're checking on the off-chance it's a fake claim, obviously in this case it isn't but there are plenty of fakers out there.


Presumably evidence was supplied in the past though.


But if you're checking everyone, then you check everyone I guess.

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