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Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.

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My problem is that there are plenty of black, white and people of Asian extraction, in fact the vast majority who take their Resonsibilities seriously and don't like the fact that taxpayers are being ripped off. I've had plenty of goes at the feckless Jeremy Kyle generation but we are discussing this particular case. Families like these are likely to have kids who see how easy it is to live comfortably here without working and continue the cycle.


So really its just another moan from you?

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Simple solution, all 'refugees' are housed communally in refugee camps rather than being given houses. The containerised solution in calais is an example of how it can cheaply and effectively. Any genuine refugee is here for the shortest possible time before the situation in their homeland is resolved so this will deter non genuine chancers trying to use it as a passport to a cushy life. We should in the particular case of somalians be looking at working with the African Union to create safe zones to which the very large number of somalian 'refugees' we have in this country can be swiftly repatriated.

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As ive pointed out the way the rules work it would be adjudged unsuitable. People dont wnat to live in tents in the UK. Wonder why?


You work for what you want, you accept what you need, need and want are two entirety different things, don't expect the state to provide what you want when they should only provide what you need.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 18:50 ----------


I would agree, but they have a different approach in Aafrica based on large families and only a few surviving as well as having enough so you as parents are looked after. there are now rules to limit benefits based on up to the second child. You could apply them now, but then the kids suffer.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 16:54 ----------



A caravan is temporary. It makes no sense. It would be challeneged by social services and the people themselves.


No they are not, I could take you to several permanent caravans sites with permanent long term residents.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 18:54 ----------



The stupid thing is that we have no social housing stock and that properties are that price in the first place.


The stupid thing is increasing demand for houses which serves only to drive up prices. More people means more demand and we are still flooding the country with even more people that want houses, expect demand to rise and prices to rise.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 18:57 ----------


Precisely. If that property was priced at 78k this thread wouldn't have got off the ground.


It would if the one I worked hard to acquire was only worth £10K, people that don't work shouldn't have more than the people that pay for their handouts.


---------- Post added 18-02-2016 at 19:00 ----------


Simple solution, all 'refugees' are housed communally in refugee camps rather than being given houses. The containerised solution in calais is an example of how it can cheaply and effectively. Any genuine refugee is here for the shortest possible time before the situation in their homeland is resolved so this will deter non genuine chancers trying to use it as a passport to a cushy life. We should in the particular case of somalians be looking at working with the African Union to create safe zones to which the very large number of somalian 'refugees' we have in this country can be swiftly repatriated.


:o I people thought I was stupid for offering them caravans. :D


I like the container idea better though, whilst they are asleep they could be loaded onto a ship and sent on a free cruise to somewhere warmer, thus saving energy which will help to kerb global warming.

Edited by sutty27
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World War I and World War II lasted for 10 years in total. So 90% of the 20th Century was in relative peace. Going to the present date, these two wars represent just 8.62% of time since 1900.


Probably the most stupid post I've seen on here for a long time

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They did.




No they provide well above what was needed.


No, but I wouldn't turn one down if I had nothing, I would accept it graciously and do everything possible to pay society back for their generosity.

Edited by sutty27
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Probably the most stupid post I've seen on here for a long time


Oh I dunno. there is always the following racist glib.



I like the container idea better though, whilst they are asleep they could be loaded onto a ship and sent on a free cruise to somewhere warmer, thus saving energy which will help to kerb global warming.

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