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Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.

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No but there is no mention of the circumstances of this family. Until we know they are refugees, we can only assume based on the facts. 1. they are immigrants. 2 they do not work 3. they claim a large amount of benefits.


If they are legitimate refugees, the only issue here is why are they housed in such an expensive location. They could easily be moved to a less expensive area of the country.



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Our borders should be under our control and we should be able to choose who we let in and who we eject. Just like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.


They are and we can. We choose to let people from the EU in, we choose to listen to asylum claims.


remember speaking with an American about this once and his opinion on it was, The UK is stupid, you let in the goat herders while making it difficult for the people with the skills you need. The USA does it the other way round. You have to be able to give a lot to the USA to get in.


They cant choose who they let in from other states though.



World War I and World War II lasted for 10 years in total. So 90% of the 20th Century was in relative peace. Going to the present date, these two wars represent just 8.62% of time since 1900.


What a stupid comment. there were wars outside WW 1 and 2. people were still fleeing them. Sp no the 20rg century wasnt one of rlative peace, especially in terms of casualties.

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If they knew they have a huge issue with unskilled immigration, why are they dismissive about a country that they perceive to have problem with unskilled immigration?


We should keep this thread on topic rather than arguing about the evils of foreigners.


What he was saying was, we welcome the unskilled, the USA does not. This is irrespective of any illegal immigration problem they may have.

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Ok, lets leave the people in question's background out of this like you suggested. What should be done practically?


Practically the council could buy two 6 birth caravans, park them on some council land and provide them with enough food to feed the family, this would save the tax payer thousands of pounds, or just send them back to their country of birth.

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Practically the council could buy two 6 birth caravans, park them on some council land and provide them with enough food to feed the family, this would save the tax payer thousands of pounds, or just send them back to their country of birth.


Can you just park a caravan on council land and live there?

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No but there is no mention of the circumstances of this family. Until we know they are refugees, we can only assume based on the facts. 1. they are immigrants. 2 they do not work 3. they claim a large amount of benefits.


If they are legitimate refugees, the only issue here is why are they housed in such an expensive location. They could easily be moved to a less expensive area of the country.


They are ex asulum seekers and once they are granted refugee status then they can access the normal benefits system.


Just like anyone else they have a freedom to move around the country.

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What he was saying was, we welcome the unskilled, the USA does not. This is irrespective of any illegal immigration problem they may have.


It seems to me that plenty of Americans welcome plenty of unskilled Mexicans into their country as a source of cheap labour.

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