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Simply Fairness - or Utter Madness.

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Making decisions based on not a lot tends to be sillier.


Clickbait is the basis of their business model and they are pretty good at it.


Can you come up with a link/report that refutes this one in the mail? Are you saying it's not true? again genuine questions..

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I don't see any deduction there at all. Just a whole bunch of prejudice and racism.


Perhaps you you read it till you understand. I realise it is difficult for many to take in the truth but if there is one fact in my assertion that you care to challenge please do so.


Silly one liners add nothing to the debate.

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One point always missed out is rather than focus on how much the house is worth, take account of where it is. Any 6 bedroom house in Camden is going to cost a lot of money.


The house is still the landlords.


The rent goes to the private LL milking the system.


They wouldnt have to house them in the private sector if much of the social housing stock hadnt been sold off.


They should provide some more in the form of tents and caravans.

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Because if you do some research then you will see they were asulum seekers and have now been given leave to remain.


Housing benefit is to do with being given asistance to rent and not the right to a particular house. So the obligation isnt to house but to give assistance. Go and look it up.


What does any of that have to do with my post?

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