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Best things to talk to girls about in bars and clubs.


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Does that mean I'm gonna get divorced then??:loopy:


i said not usually, sorry should been more clear, ive known people who have met their bfs/gfs in these places and gone on to have lasting relationships - it does happen i never said it didnt but on the whole its not the best place to start if looking for summat long term. and if not looking for summat lasting then doesnt really matter too much what you say - in terms of if you make an arse of yourself who cares cos you probs wont see them again and wouldnt care anyway.


as for summat a little more constructive than my prev post slimsid, dont try too hard cos girls can see desparation a mile away, - and stay away from cheesy lines as theres nowt worse! its a lot easier to meet people if you not actively trying hard as then you are more relaxed and therefore can be yourself and thus conversation will follow naturally.


good luck

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as for summat a little more constructive than my prev post slimsid, dont try too hard cos girls can see desparation a mile away. its a lot easier to meet people if you not actively trying hard as then you are more relaxed and therefore can be yourself and thus conversation will follow naturally.


good luck



Thats very true... When you go out looking for it, you don't find it... and oddly enough, on the days I go out without shaving my legs, or wearing my fat pants, I always pull... every damn time! Its typical I tell ya! :roll:

I guess the moral of the story is not to try too hard... just chill out, relax, have a laugh and be yourself... :)

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or in Sid's case "don't be yourself"....:thumbsup:


Thats very true... When you go out looking for it, you don't find it... and oddly enough, on the days I go out without shaving my legs, or wearing my fat pants, I always pull... every damn time! Its typical I tell ya! :roll:

I guess the moral of the story is not to try too hard... just chill out, relax, have a laugh and be yourself... :)

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Can i just say this thread is hilarious! Sorry..... anyway what u should do is just try not to be overly creepy and slimey like some guys i have come across. Just be natural and be yourself if u can. ladies like guys that can make them laugh and giggle and they will definatly appreciate nice compliments!


Good Luck!

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