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GBP slipping rapidly

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We cannot produce enough food to feed us. We cannot produce enough medicines to treat our sick, we cannot produce enough oil/gas to keep our electricity going and the roads on the move. I could go on but I'm sure you'll get the message.


All this, and much more will become more expensive if the value of the pound drops.


So you should be very grateful that these things have become so much cheaper now that the pound is worth 25% more against the Euro than it was 7 years ago when Gordon Brown was in charge of things.

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...By the way, saying it isn't to do with Brexit is delusional. If you don't think that the one key reason there is a difference in the valuation of GBP now compared with two years ago is Brexit than you need a doctor.


Proof that politicians and Joe Public are in the same boat - dictated by privateers who manoeuvre the market to spread fear = Vote In or we pull the plug! :mad:


---------- Post added 24-02-2016 at 00:19 ----------


That is because we have allowed this country to become this way.We could make britain great again if we stopped relying on foreign investment.We are like a country of obeying slaves being controlled by our masters from abroad while they get rich at our expense.The german government owning our freight trains,the french owning our power stations,its pathetic these things should be owned by the people of britain and then we would not be getting ripped off.We have had successive governments just selling all our assets and that berk Gordon Brown selling all our gold reserves off for the cheapest price to help save a bank which he now has a job with along with Alistair Darling.


And don't forget the loansharks, bought into by US investors, feeding off the poor who can't make repayments - as witnessed in 'The Super Rich and Us':mad:


---------- Post added 24-02-2016 at 00:23 ----------


So unable answer to the questions then. I never thought you could. I chose November 2015 as it was the date the Pound hit its highest level against the Euro in more than a decade despite the coming referendum on EU membership. I worked out why the Pound dropped 70 cents against the Euro between 2000 and 2010. It's because we had a Labour Government.


No, politicians like to think they control things when Multinationals and charlatan merchant bankers like Goldman Sachs that got Greece into a worse situation than what it was already in and in breach of Banking rules (Al Jazeera documentary) :gag::P

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No, politicians like to think they control things when Multinationals and charlatan merchant bankers like Goldman Sachs that got Greece into a worse situation than what it was already in and in breach of Banking rules (Al Jazeera documentary) :gag::P
Guess who the UNHCR decided to partner with for managing refugee donated funds?


What do you mean, "there's a conflict of interests if I ever saw one" (or, in the case of GS, just another)? WTF is one of those? :hihi::twisted:


BTW...GS are funding the IN campaign here. Enough dots to connect yet, or do I need to lump in the TTIP connection for good measure? ;)

Edited by L00b
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I assume you have a vested interest in the value of the pound,i do not.I do not spend my money abroad or have any global shares,i only care about this country and this is where i spend my money and all my investments.I lost a lot of money because of the global meltdown and i absolutely have no time for the global economy anymore.What happens to some other countries in the world does not bother me anymore.The devaluing of the pound will not bother me one iota but if it creates more jobs for british companies then i will be happy.I had to laugh at the business leaders of the big companies signing a letter to stay in the EU.They explained that they need access to the 500 million people jobs market in the EU to create jobs in britain.So what they are basically saying is that they want to bring cheap labour in from europe to do all those jobs that they are creating while providing no jobs for Brits but creating healthy profits for the big business fat cats.It all stinks and i want nothing to do with it anymore.


We should all have a vested interest in the value of the pound. It's our pound and deliberately devaluing it is not the way to go. My opinion is that it has devalued plenty enough already.

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That is because we have allowed this country to become this way.We could make britain great again if we stopped relying on foreign investment.We are like a country of obeying slaves being controlled by our masters from abroad while they get rich at our expense.The german government owning our freight trains,the french owning our power stations,its pathetic these things should be owned by the people of britain and then we would not be getting ripped off.We have had successive governments just selling all our assets and that berk Gordon Brown selling all our gold reserves off for the cheapest price to help save a bank which he now has a job with along with Alistair Darling.


Where will the extra land come from to grow all the food we need? We don't have enough space to be self-sufficient so your argument has failed already.

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Little things can grow big and what goes up comes back down. It happens all the time. All this drama over the value of currency and politics could make certain people seriously depressed and anxious or even commit suicide.

When it goes up they go up and get happy, it goes down they go down and wished they were dead.

There are people out there who are so controlled by money they have completely forgotten who they are. To me they are just as ignorant and blind as those who become insane joining a religion.

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That is because we have allowed this country to become this way.We could make britain great again if we stopped relying on foreign investment.We are like a country of obeying slaves being controlled by our masters from abroad while they get rich at our expense.The german government owning our freight trains,the french owning our power stations,its pathetic these things should be owned by the people of britain and then we would not be getting ripped off.We have had successive governments just selling all our assets and that berk Gordon Brown selling all our gold reserves off for the cheapest price to help save a bank which he now has a job with along with Alistair Darling.


Nope, you wrong I'm afraid, we haven't had the ability to feed the UK long before the EU was a glint in the Europhiles eye.


Don't you remember the service and prices under nationalisation? There are lots of faults with todays society but the answer to them is not re-nationalisation.


So are you posting here on your British made computer, whilst watching your British made TV and wearing your British made clothes? If not you're part of the problem that your hitting out against.

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Where will the extra land come from to grow all the food we need? We don't have enough space to be self-sufficient so your argument has failed already.


The land is already there so there is enough space and some extra land could also be re-designated for agricultural use. You will notice large swathes of land that is bright yellow in the summer as its used to grow rapeseed not food. The EU also pay plenty to farmers to keep land barren and that land could also be used.


So we do have the land but not the will as the EU wish to control production of food to keep prices stable.

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The land is already there so there is enough space and some extra land could also be re-designated for agricultural use. You will notice large swathes of land that is bright yellow in the summer as its used to grow rapeseed not food. The EU also pay plenty to farmers to keep land barren and that land could also be used.


So we do have the land but not the will as the EU wish to control production of food to keep prices stable.


The last time that we had our food imports restricted we ended up rationing the amount of food that people could eat.


I'm guessing that if push came to shove we could just about exist without importing food, but this would mean a very limited and bland diet and an awful lot of effort and investment. I'm not sure that the country is ready for that sort of life.

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The last time that we had our food imports restricted we ended up rationing the amount of food that people could eat.


I'm guessing that if push came to shove we could just about exist without importing food, but this would mean a very limited and bland diet and an awful lot of effort and investment. I'm not sure that the country is ready for that sort of life.


Self sufficiency does not necessarily mean we don't import food as we have never been truly self sufficient for several hundred years. What it means is that we can trade and import other foods not grown in the UK. Those foods would be more expensive than now but so it should be. We could also stop 1000's of tons of food being wasted because it does not fit in with the supermarkets standards.


It seems like wonky veg is also making a comeback.

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