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Sports direct being sports direct again

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It wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of business arrangement between Sports Direct and the agency. I also wouldn't be surprised if the workers had a lot of creative deductions taken from their salary by agency to claw back the money from that deal.


Of course there will be, there must be. As flakey as the good people of shirebrook may or not be, it won't be cheaper to hire foreigners via an agency who need their cut AND sort out their housing. It's minimum wage at the top of their ticket but what they end up with will be very different.


---------- Post added 21-02-2016 at 18:51 ----------


take it from someone who knows :roll: btw do you support these companies and their shoddy practices?


So a bloke down the pub then?

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....and I ask again.


What has the company done that is illegal?

What has the company done which is against either English Employment Regulations or EU Laws?


What has the company done that has directly caused alleged problems in the Shirebook / Mansfield Areas?


The windbags can talk all they want about ethics and morals and bad influences and setting examples.


Its a business. Its there to make money.

It provides extremely cheap products which WE the public lap up from their stores.


How the hell do people think it makes money AND sells its goods so cheap.


Not often I agree with Bercow but he is damn right. There is a war going on, a migrant crisis and a potential massively changing referendum coming up. Until we stop shopping there, who gives a toss what Umunna and old fart Skinner have to whinge about some company.


Nothing at all but it will be one of the many reasons so many people will be voting to leave the EU.

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....and I ask again.


What has the company done that is illegal?

[/b]What has the company done which is against either English Employment Regulations or EU Laws?


What has the company done that has directly caused alleged problems in the Shirebook / Mansfield Areas?


The windbags can talk all they want about ethics and morals and bad influences and setting examples.


Its a business. Its there to make money.

It provides extremely cheap products which WE the public lap up from their stores.


How the hell do people think it makes money AND sells its goods so cheap.


Not often I agree with Bercow but he is damn right. There is a war going on, a migrant crisis and a potential massively changing referendum coming up. Until we stop shopping there, who gives a toss what Umunna and old fart Skinner have to whinge about some company.


Quite a bit according to lawyers acting for part time staff:







Edited by Mister M
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[...]‘Everyone in our area knows you can’t get a job in the warehouse at Sports Direct if you are an English native speaker despite 3,000 people working there,’ Mr Mann told MPs.


Because Poles are more reliable and work harder while demanding less.


[...]3500 agency workers who will be classed as self employed so not paying much tax and a company paying even less. when will they ever learn :hihi:


They all pay regular taxes, it would be one hell of a stunt to convince HMRC that warehouse pickers are not employees.

It isn't surprising when you have polish work agency's in the uk supplying polish workers= http://easypoland.co.uk

Read the why to employ polish workers paragraph...

Spot on.


And about that EU immigration BS.

As far as I remember Pakistan and India are nowhere near EU.

Yet there are number of tanned people in strange asian clothing roaming about old industrial cities.

For decades now. Can't see anyone protesting against Eurasian Union.

Oh wait, because there isn't one.

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All I read there is "pursuing claims..." "pending hearing..." Claimant Lawyers believe....." "....will be determined later this year"


I will await the outcome before making further comment. Making a claim does not prove anything. Companies get claims against them all the time. Does not mean they are successful.


As for the MPs bitching about Mike Ashley not attending their committee. Well, unless he has done something wrong - what's compelling him to do so.


The MPs might not like it, but last time I looked Zero Hours Contracts were not illegal. Until such time as they are Sports Direct, and many many other retailers, will continue to use them


SD is being used as a complete scapegoat. Has been for years. The leftie media and certain windbag MPs love nothing better than to pick holes and smear their business all over the press.


If they want change, THEY are the ones in a position to do something about it. If they don't like the practice of zero hour contacts, change the law. If they don't like businesses using foreign labour, change the law.


Its pathetic.

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....and I ask again.


What has the company done that is illegal?


What has the company done which is against either English Employment Regulations or EU Laws?


What has the company done that has directly caused alleged problems in the Shirebook / Mansfield Areas?


The windbags can talk all they want about ethics and morals and bad influences and setting examples.


Its a business. Its there to make money.

It provides extremely cheap products which WE the public lap up from their stores.


How the hell do people think it makes money AND sells its goods so cheap.


Not often I agree with Bercow but he is damn right. There is a war going on, a migrant crisis and a potential massively changing referendum coming up. Until we stop shopping there, who gives a toss what Umunna and old fart Skinner have to whinge about some company.


If it could be proven that they were discriminating against native English speakers then that would be illegal under the Race Discrimination Act. However, I totally agree with everything else you have put. Businesses do not have ethics. They exist to make money. Government is there to pass laws that allow them to make money fairly hopefully without them screwing over the country they reside in. This one is totally there for the government to fix. To point out though its Labour MPs raising this and as has been stated on here, they currently have no power to change anything so perhaps they are trying to put pressure on the gov to do something.

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They all pay regular taxes, it would be one hell of a stunt to convince HMRC that warehouse pickers are not employees./QUOTE]

agency workers will be classed as self employed and if they go about it the right way will pay hardly any tax. hmrc do know about it but prefer to go after the little men/women than to go after large companies.

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agency workers will be classed as self employed and if they go about it the right way will pay hardly any tax. hmrc do know about it but prefer to go after the little men/women than to go after large companies.

Any proof or have you just made that up? Or are those some of your assumptions?

Maybe they are all LTD and pay not taxes whatsoever by moving money through offshore holding companies?

Get a grip on reality.

Have you ever worked through agency? You get zhc but full PAYE.

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