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Boris Johnson and Brexit

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i'll just put this here for future reference:


Boris will end up being the defacto speaker for the Out campaign. They will win by a small margin and Cameron will stand down as leader of the Tory Party. Boris will succeed him as no one else will stand a chance as he will be credited with winning the Out campaign single handedly. 2020 election will be Boris vs Corbyn and we will see a resurgence in Lib Dem support. The Torys will win an even larger majority, while Labour will sink to almost neck in neck with the Lib Dems. This will effectively split Her Majesty's opposition down the middle, rendering it politically inert. Boris will then rule for the next 5 years and some time around 2025 he will reveal himself as the antichrist but no one will care because he is such a lovable buffoon.


Yep, that's pretty much what I think too.

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I was watching the news last night, they interviewed a Polish family that had recently been given British citizenship. This gives them the right to vote and they said they will voting out because immigration is too high.
I've highlighted the relevant bit ;)


I'm an EU national, like these Poles were before their naturalisation. Like the Cheeky Girls as well, I believe (unless they're also naturalised by now? I don't know, I have zero interest in Z- or even A-list "celebs").


If I was a naturalised Brit, I'd probably be voting out, like them. Not at all because of immigration issues, mind.


As I'm not a naturalised Brit, I won't be voting.


As I don't want to become a naturalised Brit, I have a vested interested in the vote going for staying in, to keep my right of residency unhindered and my life simple.


I expect that the same applies to any other EU national currently residing in the UK.


Such as the Cheeky Girls ;)

Edited by L00b
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i'll just put this here for future reference:


Boris will end up being the defacto speaker for the Out campaign. They will win by a small margin and Cameron will stand down as leader of the Tory Party. Boris will succeed him as no one else will stand a chance as he will be credited with winning the Out campaign single handedly. 2020 election will be Boris vs Corbyn and we will see a resurgence in Lib Dem support. The Torys will win an even larger majority, while Labour will sink to almost neck in neck with the Lib Dems. This will effectively split Her Majesty's opposition down the middle, rendering it politically inert. Boris will then rule for the next 5 years and some time around 2025 he will reveal himself as the antichrist but no one will care because he is such a lovable buffoon.


Sir, you have just won internet.

Have one on me.

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i'll just put this here for future reference:


Boris will end up being the defacto speaker for the Out campaign. They will win by a small margin and Cameron will stand down as leader of the Tory Party. Boris will succeed him as no one else will stand a chance as he will be credited with winning the Out campaign single handedly. 2020 election will be Boris vs Corbyn and we will see a resurgence in Lib Dem support. The Torys will win an even larger majority, while Labour will sink to almost neck in neck with the Lib Dems. This will effectively split Her Majesty's opposition down the middle, rendering it politically inert. Boris will then rule for the next 5 years and some time around 2025 he will reveal himself as the antichrist but no one will care because he is such a lovable buffoon.


Offer the voters what they want and they will vote for you. Offer voters what the party membership want and they may not.

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I can't see how sharing a platform with Farage and gorgeous George can possibly enhance his status as a serious politician.


My guess is that he will stay out of the limelight for the time being. If Brexit looks likely, expect him to wade in.


I think you'll find that Farage has a lot of supporters (like it or not) As far as Galloway is concerned though I can't see why he'd be in the out camp with him being Scottish and very pro the Muslim voters who I'd say would mainly be in the in camp. I could look him up and find out his reasons but I detest him more than just about any 1 person on the planet so I won't be bothering

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Isn't that democracy?

Do what people want?

Isn't doing what leaders tell you totalitarianism?


I'd always believed that we voted people in to make the decisions for us. I'd also suggest that popularism is an awful way to run a country. Sometimes the best decisions are unpopular ones.

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I'd always believed that we voted people in to make the decisions for us. I'd also suggest that popularism is an awful way to run a country. Sometimes the best decisions are unpopular ones.


I general I'd agree, but not with something this big.

We're talking about who rules us. That's for us to decide.


The government are entrusted with the power to rule us for 5 years at the end of which we may replace them. That doesn't do us any good if during those 5 years they've transferred some of that power elsewhere and the next government can't get it back.

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