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Boris Johnson and Brexit

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So why post disparaging comments about Corbyn in reply to my posts?




Why not the man's a nutcase, and as you aren't a supporter of his why does it bother you?


I'm pretty happy that he's leader of the labour party. As long as no focus group tells them how out of touch he is with public opinion he will lead his party to humiliation in the coming elections. But he will show leadership whilst doing it. :thumbsup:

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Why not the man's a nutcase, and as you aren't a supporter of his why does it bother you?


I've got a low tolerance of ignorant people who rely upon lazy stereotypes.


I'm pretty happy that he's leader of the labour party. As long as no focus group tells them how out of touch he is with public opinion he will lead his party to humiliation in the coming elections. But he will show leadership whilst doing it.:thumbsup:


I disagree with you. I think that the sooner we can get a decent opposition in place, the better it is for the country overall.

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I've got a low tolerance of ignorant people who rely upon lazy stereotypes.



Oh dear. I bet you are throwing pencils all around the room.


---------- Post added 23-02-2016 at 16:52 ----------


I disagree with you. I think that the sooner we can get a decent opposition in place, the better it is for the country overall.


Now that's silly. I agree that we need a decent opposition. But by electing Corbyn as leader it certanly won't be happening in the short term. I'm glad you aren't a supporter of his by the way.

Edited by foxy lady
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Oh dear. I bet you are throwing pencils all around the room.


Far from it.


I'm not sure how you're seeing things, but to me you're just a random person on an internet forum who I'll never meet. Why would discussion with you make me want to throw anything around?


It's fascinating that you think it should though.

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Far from it.


I'm not sure how you're seeing things, but to me you're just a random person on an internet forum who I'll never meet. Why would discussion with you make me want to throw anything around?


It's fascinating that you think it should though.


I'm glad about that. I didn't want to upset you, particularly as you aren't a Corbyn supporter. So as you are someone who clearly likes politicians to show leadership, do you know what Corbyn's view on BREXIT is. As he has been a staunch opponent of the EU I imagine he'll be lining up with Boris in the "Let's get out of here" lobby alongside his mate Dennis Skinner.

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Corbyn has come down firmly on the pro EU stance even though it would mean his wish to take rail into public ownership would not be allowed under current EU rules. I wonder if anyone knows how this man's mind works?


He seems to regard the whole labour leader thing as an annoying diversion from preferable activities like waving placards about with unwashed profession protestors against pretty much everything.


He'd do himself and everyone a favour by resigning and buggering off back to the swampy mob he belongs in.

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It reminds me of the Michael Portillo situation when he set up an headquarters for a leadership contest with a load of telephone lines during the 2001 election campaign


that was in 1995 when Portillo failed to stand against Major in a Tory leadership election that he may well have won but which the guy that did challenge Major, John Redwood, had no chance.

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