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Long shot - Pinegrove country club photos

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Does anyone have anyone photos of the Pinegrove country club whilst it was still open?

I'm making a short film about a local boxer and need some images (or even better - video footage) of the club in it's heyday.

They don't need to be of boxing nights, although that would be grand. Any shots may do - daytime/night time/ inside the club/outside the club.

And best of all 'boxing nights' (may as well shoot for the stars!), although I realise that may be too much of an ask.


Anything would be most gratefully received (and credited).


Don't really need any derelict urban explorer shots though - plenty of those seem to be about.


Many thanks in advance.

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I think it opened in 1980 or 81 i worked there in my teens and my family were members from when it opened probably for about 5 years. my parents were quite friendly with the owners so spent quite a bit of time there. Haven't got any photos sorry.

They did a lot of wedding receptions so somebody must have pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still need photos of the old Pinegrove country club. Got a film coming out about Clinton Woods - here is the trailer



Any photos will be gratefully credited. Cheers. You can contact me at gavin@littlebillwhite.co.uk


Just watched the trailer and looks good ! Known Clinton a long time when we were teenagers all he wanted to do was fight bouncers never sparred with him but my mate Glyn Rhodes took to him he did Sheffield proud am 54 now so if be wants a pop it will be on bankside his pond or mine !

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