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Does the BBC have a Pro-EU Bias?

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So basically,you're ignoring what this guy is saying about the BBC being soft on Eurosceptics because he's saying it to the Guardian?


The guardian have a self declared remain agenda. Anyone who trusts what they say as gospel on this subject is a fool.

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The guardian have a self declared remain agenda. Anyone who trusts what they say as gospel on this subject is a fool.


Another one that can't see that it's a guy talking to the Guardian,not The Guardian


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 20:38 ----------


No, I'm ignoring it because the Guardian can cherry pick articles, and authors, that suit their own agenda. If it's published in the Guardian, it's almost certainly leftist with pro-EU sympathies.


One guy's opinion piece in the Guardian is not an authoritative conclusion on whether or not the BBC has a pro-EU bias, no matter how much you want it to be.


I'm not bothered if it does or it doesn't,what it does show is that the guy has a completely different opinion to what you are trying to claim.

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Another one that can't see that it's a guy talking to the Guardian,not The Guardian


The guardian print what they want to advance their agenda via their EU pets. Its not a credible source on this issue.

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Another one that can't see that it's a guy talking to the Guardian,not The Guardian


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 20:38 ----------



I'm not bothered if it does or it doesn't,what it does show is that the guy has a completely different opinion to what you are trying to claim.



Good God, are you really so gullible? Firstly, why does this guy's opinion hold so much weight? Why not look at facts instead? Secondly, as a pro-EU newspaper, do you not think there's just a teeny tiny chance that the Guardian might be selective in the opinions they choose to publish?

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The guardian print what they want to advance their agenda via their EU pets. Its not a credible source on this issue.


The source is the guy talking about the BBC not pressing Eurosceptics,is he biased or a liar,because he is quoted in the article as not being a Europhile?


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 20:50 ----------


Good God, are you really so gullible? Firstly, why does this guy's opinion hold so much weight? Why not look at facts instead? Secondly, as a pro-EU newspaper, do you not think there's just a teeny tiny chance that the Guardian might be selective in the opinions they choose to publish?


His opinion holds as much weight as yours on the BBC.........why would anybody believe that the BBC are biased on your evidence and ignore what he says just because it's in The Guardian?

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Ok, I nick your tenner, and in exchange I give you back a fiver and let you buy stuff from me.


You really are struggling with the concept aren't you. No-one stole anything, the tenner was given as was agreed in advance.


The Guardian, defending the BBC as being unbiased on the EU. Shock horror.


Grasping at straws again.

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His opinion holds as much weight as yours on the BBC.........why would anybody believe that the BBC are biased on your evidence and ignore what he says just because it's in The Guardian?


He's entitled to his opinion but there's no substance behind it. The fact The Guardian published it just undermines it. If the Daily Mail printed someone's opinion that the BBC were rampant Europhiles would you take that as gospel too?


At least I'm presenting some facts. People can make their own minds up.

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Big international Pro-EU companies paying virtually no tax in the UK but having £millions of revenue in sales, whilst the BBC is to charge £145.50 per annum for households which use the iplayer to watch non-live 'catch up' content...


The two are entirely unconnected. With regard to iPlayer... good, long overdue.


Smash the BBC! Smash the EU - by any means necessary!


Yeah, 'cos cutting off your nose to spite your face is always the best plan!

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You really are struggling with the concept aren't you. No-one stole anything, the tenner was given as was agreed in advance.




Grasping at straws again.



Agreed by whom? I can't remember agreeing, but at least I'll get asked in June. Can't wait to get out.


To continue the analogy... it's like me asking you if you'd like to buy and sell stuff from me, you saying yes, me nicking a tenner from you and giving you back a fiver in exchange for letting you still buy and sell stuff from me, and me dictating what you can and can't do with your own life.

Edited by WiseOwl182
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Agreed by whom? I can't remember agreeing


You can't accurately determine bias either, who knows what else you've forgotten.


but at least I'll get asked in June. Can't wait to get out.


I suspect you'll be waiting longer than you think, but we'll see.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:12 ----------


To continue the analogy... it's like me asking you if you'd like to buy and sell stuff from me, you saying yes, me nicking a tenner from you and giving you back a fiver in exchange for letting you still buy and sell stuff from me, and me dictating what you can and can't do with your own life.


As before, a flawed analogy.

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