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Does the BBC have a Pro-EU Bias?

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He's entitled to his opinion but there's no substance behind it. The fact The Guardian published it just undermines it. If the Daily Mail printed someone's opinion that the BBC were rampant Europhiles would you take that as gospel too?


At least I'm presenting some facts. People can make their own minds up.


He quoted facts in his article,evidence of events that happened involving the BBC.

He could have been thinking out loud,he could have been talking to a mate in the pub,he still has the same opinion,or do you think he made one up just to suit The Guardian?

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You can't accurately determine bias either, who knows what else you've forgotten.




I've not forgotten anything. My methodology is transparent. Just because you don't like the findings doesn't make it untrue.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:17 ----------


He quoted facts in his article,evidence of events that happened involving the BBC.

He could have been thinking out loud,he could have been talking to a mate in the pub,he still has the same opinion,or do you think he made one up just to suit The Guardian?


No, I think The Guardian would only publish pro-EU comment, ergo it's not surprising to find an opinion piece defending the BBC against accusations of a pro-EU bias.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:18 ----------




I suspect you'll be waiting longer than you think, but we'll see.


Well, we'll see won't we?


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:18 ----------


As before, a flawed analogy.


Flawed as in accurate, or flawed as in you don't like the truth?

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No, I think The Guardian would only publish pro-EU comment, ergo it's not surprising to find an opinion piece defending the BBC against accusations of a pro-EU bias.



But that still doesn't answer the question of why his opinion would be devalued just because it's in The Guardian.

He could have said it to anyone,anywhere and it still doesn't change his opinion.The value of the opinion doesn't change depending on where you read it or hear it,and his opinion is completely the opposite of yours.

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But that still doesn't answer the question of why his opinion would be devalued just because it's in The Guardian.

He could have said it to anyone,anywhere and it still doesn't change his opinion.The value of the opinion doesn't change depending on where you read it or hear it,and his opinion is completely the opposite of yours.


There could be 100 times as many people with a different opinion to his, and with sound reasons for holding that opinion, that the Guardian would choose to ignore, in preference for the 1 opinion that conforms with their agenda.

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But that still doesn't answer the question of why his opinion would be devalued just because it's in The Guardian.

He could have said it to anyone,anywhere and it still doesn't change his opinion.The value of the opinion doesn't change depending on where you read it or hear it,and his opinion is completely the opposite of yours.


The graun have admitted they will be propagandising for remain. Nothing they print can be trusted on this subject.

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There could be 100 times as many people with a different opinion to his, and with sound reasons for holding that opinion, that the Guardian would choose to ignore, in preference for the 1 opinion that conforms with their agenda.


None of which changes the guys opinion.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:43 ----------


The graun have admitted they will be propagandising for remain. Nothing they print can be trusted on this subject.


So this guys opinion can be ignored as it's in The Guardian,or it doesn't fit in with what you think,or both.

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None of which changes the guys opinion.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:43 ----------



So this guys opinion can be ignored as it's in The Guardian,or it doesn't fit in with what you think,or both.



I have an opinion that the moon is made of cheese. Does that make it true? Would it become true if the Guardian published my opinion on it? Can you ignore it?

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None of which changes the guys opinion.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 21:43 ----------



So this guys opinion can be ignored as it's in The Guardian,or it doesn't fit in with what you think,or both.


He's an ex European Commision employee (so legally loses his pension if he criticises them) writing in the Guardian.


He has all the credibility of gary glitter writing about babysitting best practice in the nonce times

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I have an opinion that the moon is made of cheese. Does that make it true? Would it become true if the Guardian published my opinion on it? Can you ignore it?


If you can't come up with any evidence to back it up,we can all ignore it,wherever it's published.

The article gives examples that are completely opposite to the pro EU bias that you claim of the BBC,so it's pretty easy for me to ignore your claim on that too.


---------- Post added 03-03-2016 at 22:16 ----------


He's an ex European Commision employee (so legally loses his pension if he criticises them) writing in the Guardian.


He has all the credibility of gary glitter writing about babysitting best practice in the nonce times


He's not giving an opinion of the EU,he's giving an opinion on the BBC.

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I don't watch Fox news.

Why did you think the BBC should "explode with outrage" when reporting a news item then? To do so it would have to take sides. It seems to me that you actually want the BBC to be biased - just in favour of your viewpoint.

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