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Nightmare or comedy ? Boris and Trump, together..

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Trump and brexit were a vote of the silent majority who are usually too busy working for a living and paying taxes to find time to protest.


The problem is, and I`ve found this when talking to some Leavers, they also haven`t got much time to be interested (= knowledgeable) about politics and international affairs. And this isn`t meant to be an insult, it`s just a fact.


Second point, are you saying the "silent majority" are also nationalistic and (mildly ? ) racist ?

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The problem is, and I`ve found this when talking to some Leavers, they also haven`t got much time to be interested (= knowledgeable) about politics and international affairs. And this isn`t meant to be an insult, it`s just a fact.


Second point, are you saying the "silent majority" are also nationalistic and (mildly ? ) racist ?


why is it you are inserting words, meanings into perfectly valid statement where did racist come into it.

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why is it you are inserting words, meanings into perfectly valid statement where did racist come into it.


Generally when people are interested in things they`re more knowledgeable about them, surely you`d agree with that ? My nephew was the best example of it, he believed the £350 million to the NHS thing and voted accordingly. But that`s because he has minimal interest in (and I`m sure he`d be the first to admit, not much knowledge of) politics.


I thought it was accepted that Leave won because of what many of its voters thought was excessive immigration ? Even I admit most of the aforementioned voters are not rabid racists, but, by definition, they must be mildly racist.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I thought it was accepted that Leave won because of what many of its voters thought was excessive immigration ? Even I admit most of the aforementioned voters are not rabid racists, but, by definition, they must be mildly racist.


but why are you change the context of a poster into more of readily arguable point for yourself. If you believe it say it done miss quote

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This attitude is exactly why your side keep losing votes. You've lost all semblance of respect for the electors.


I agree. That said, the closet libertarian in me says that if someone wants be a bit racist, let them. Stop calling people stupid who don't want their communities to change from what they are. That's been the establishments biggest mistake. People in clacton don't want some lefty London based comedian telling them they're thick because they don't want a polski shop on every corner. Racist? Xenophobic? You could argue both but if that's what people who live there want, who are we to deny them that right?

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I agree. That said, the closet libertarian in me says that if someone wants be a bit racist, let them. Stop calling people stupid who don't want their communities to change from what they are. That's been the establishments biggest mistake. People in clacton don't want some lefty London based comedian telling them they're thick because they don't want a polski shop on every corner. Racist? Xenophobic? You could argue both but if that's what people who live there want, who are we to deny them that right?


Originally Posted by spilldig View Post

Trump and brexit were a vote of the silent majority who are usually too busy working for a living and paying taxes to find time to protest.


i just do not see in the above post anything at all rasist

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This attitude is exactly why your side keep losing votes. You've lost all semblance of respect for the electors.


I haven't lost all semblance of respect for the voters, but some ? Yes I admit it. This has never happened, certainly not to such an extent, at any election before. I`m fairly sure I`m not alone in this. I feel this is one of the many reasons that Brexit is so unwelcome, particularly when one remembers that 18 mths ago most people weren`t that bothered about Europe (only about 15% even put it in their top three concerns before the 2015 General Election).



---------- Post added 09-11-2016 at 11:27 ----------


but why are you change the context of a poster into more of readily arguable point for yourself. If you believe it say it done miss quote


Not sure what you mean.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Nowt wrong with Boris, other than he is a Tory. Now if he was a member of UKip, well I can only hope.




I think Boris is okay. Shame Farage wasn't an MP he could then have put himself forward at the next election for PM. He would get my vote, can only hope if there is any By Electinons from now until the next general election he might stand for ukip. After Trump's victory anything is possible.

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I haven't lost all semblance of respect for the voters, but some ? Yes I admit it. This has never happened, certainly not to such an extent, at any election before. I`m fairly sure I`m not alone in this. I feel this is one of the many reasons that Brexit is so unwelcome, particularly when one remembers that 18 mths ago most people weren`t that bothered about Europe (only about 15% even put it in their top three concerns before the 2015 General Election).


The EU project is profoundly unpopular in the UK, but not usually enough to change peoples' votes. The referendum allowed us to vote the matter in isolation.

Even those who voted remain generally don't like the project, but they didn't want to chance going it alone. Leaving is an act a bravery by the UK electors, plucking up the courage to vote for what they want rather than what seems safest,

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