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Nightmare or comedy ? Boris and Trump, together..

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You had me until the last sentence. It's practically a given a racist would vote leave (if they voted at all) in the same way a europhile would vote remain. That's not suggest all leave voters fit in one category anymore than all remain voters fit in another.


Racists will holiday and work in foreign countries, racists take advantage of the free movement of people, there are plenty of reasons for a racist to have voted remain. Less white EU immigration might mean more non white immigration.

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As I say, and back up with data, the UK people never wanted to be in a European super-state and they've been bullied progressively further toward it over the last 40 years or so using threats of economic doom.

Now it's over. Bluff called.


There's a distinction between being a Xenophobe and being against a continental super-state. This is so obvious, I don't know why I have to keep repeating it.

Yes of course the Xenophobes weighed into the debate and of course the Xenophobes voted to leave, but that's entirely beside the point.


April 2015 : "top three concerns of voters", Europe is only around 15%. But of course, this was before the thoroughly misleading Leave campaign and all this anti EU rhetoric had been whipped up by newspapers like the Mail, the Express and the Sun. Are they technically newspapers or are they extensive opinion columns ?

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April 2015 : "top three concerns of voters", Europe is only around 15%. But of course, this was before the thoroughly misleading Leave campaign and all this anti EU rhetoric had been whipped up by newspapers like the Mail, the Express and the Sun. Are they technically newspapers or are they extensive opinion columns ?


Aug 2015

Immigration is the biggest worry among British voters, overtaking the NHS and the economy as their main concern, according to a new poll.

Fifty per cent of the public said immigration was among the most important issues facing the country, the highest level ever recorded by the monthly Economist Ipsos Mori poll.




The EU gives us the free movement of people and large scale immigration, concerns about immigration was the primary reason for the large brexit vote.

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April 2015 : "top three concerns of voters", Europe is only around 15%. But of course, this was before the thoroughly misleading Leave campaign and all this anti EU rhetoric had been whipped up by newspapers like the Mail, the Express and the Sun. Are they technically newspapers or are they extensive opinion columns ?


That means nothing. I never voted in the GE on Europe either.

We were given an opportunity to decide the matter in isolation. So there were no other concerns in plan, except our EU membership.

Over 90% of us want no part of a European super-state. What is it you don't get.

We don't want it. We're not having it. No United States of Europe. No "ever closer union". No, no, no. We don't want it. We've voted and we're leaving.

You're in a tiny minority of UK believers in the grand European integration project and now we've finally stopped you. Get over it.

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Aug 2015

Immigration is the biggest worry among British voters, overtaking the NHS and the economy as their main concern, according to a new poll.

Fifty per cent of the public said immigration was among the most important issues facing the country, the highest level ever recorded by the monthly Economist Ipsos Mori poll.




The EU gives us the free movement of people and large scale immigration, concerns about immigration was the primary reason for the large brexit vote.


I`m talking about pre Referendum, before all this spite was whipped up. That is to say, what people really thought when they were thinking straight.

But, whilst on eth subject, Brexiteers keep stating that the Referendum wasn`t all about immigration, is that true, or false ? They can`t have it both ways.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:36 ----------


That means nothing. I never voted in the GE on Europe either.

We were given an opportunity to decide the matter in isolation. So there were no other concerns in plan, except our EU membership.

Over 90% of us want no part of a European super-state. What is it you don't get.

We don't want it. We're not having it. No United States of Europe. No "ever closer union". No, no, no. We don't want it. We've voted and we're leaving.

You're in a tiny minority of UK believers in the grand European integration project and now we've finally stopped you. Get over it.


Tiny minority ? Since when has 48% been a tiny minority ?

And that linked to research does mean something, it`s just you don`t want to see it. Before the last GE only 15% of people put Europe in their top three of concerns. How can that mean nothing ?

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Tiny minority ? Since when has 48% been a tiny minority ?

And that linked to research does mean something, it`s just you don`t want to see it. Before the last GE only 15% of people put Europe in their top three of concerns. How can that mean nothing ?


What is it with this top 3 concerns rubbish? It's irrelevant. The referendum about this one concern. People are obviously going to think about domestic matters come the general election. It's meaningless.


Did you actually read what I wrote?

A tiny minority actually favoured further integration. 6%.

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What is it with this top 3 concerns rubbish? It's irrelevant. The referendum about this one concern. People are obviously going to think about domestic matters come the general election. It's meaningless.


Did you actually read what I wrote?

A tiny minority actually favoured further integration. 6%.


No, you said I was in a tiny minority, I was happy with the status quo. But just out of interest, if 6% is a tiny minority, is 15% also a tiny minority ?


On the top three thing, I don`t think you understand what point I`m making. Before the referendum 85% of people didn`t even put Europe in their top three of voter concerns. I`m saying this is a massive divisive crisis for something that 85% of people weren`t actually that bothered about before, and I`ve linked to the research. I use it as proof that Cameron wasn`t thinking about the country when he announced the referendum as a Tory policy, he was thinking about the divisions in his own party. So, he`s now transferred those divisions to the country as a whole, and, directly, given us Trump ("Brexit plus plus plus" as Trump himself kept saying on the campaign trail) in the Whitehouse. Well worth it I`m sure David.......

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I`m talking about pre Referendum, before all this spite was whipped up. That is to say, what people really thought when they were thinking straight.

But, whilst on eth subject, Brexiteers keep stating that the Referendum wasn`t all about immigration, is that true, or false ? They can`t have it both ways.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:36 ----------



Tiny minority ? Since when has 48% been a tiny minority ?

And that linked to research does mean something, it`s just you don`t want to see it. Before the last GE only 15% of people put Europe in their top three of concerns. How can that mean nothing ?


The link I posted was pre-referendum, most people had concerns about immigration so when given the chance to vote on whether to control it or not they voted to control it.

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No, you said I was in a tiny minority, I was happy with the status quo. But just out of interest, if 6% is a tiny minority, is 15% also a tiny minority ?


On the top three thing, I don`t think you understand what point I`m making. Before the referendum 85% of people didn`t even put Europe in their top three of voter concerns. I`m saying this is a massive divisive crisis for something that 85% of people weren`t actually that bothered about before, and I`ve linked to the research. I use it as proof that Cameron wasn`t thinking about the country when he announced the referendum as a Tory policy, he was thinking about the divisions in his own party. So, he`s now transferred those divisions to the country as a whole, and, directly, given us Trump ("Brexit plus plus plus" as Trump himself kept saying on the campaign trail) in the Whitehouse. Well worth it I`m sure David.......


I still reject your "top three priorities" nonsense so if you use it for the premise of a question, I'm not going to answer it.

The pew survey I quoted showed that 6% wanted further integration (which was actually what a remain vote was for), and 66% wanted powers back (which was impossible without leaving). So the only reason we won by 4% rather than about 50% was... project FEAR.

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On the top three thing, I don`t think you understand what point I`m making. Before the referendum 85% of people didn`t even put Europe in their top three of voter concerns.


Why does it have to be in someone's top three concerns for it to be important to someone. If someone is a vegetarian it isn't likely to be in their top 3 concrns in life unless you take them to a restaurant at which point it becomes their highest priority.

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