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If God created the Big Bang, what created God?

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I may be wrong about this but if you believe in the big bang then god doesn't exist? So you question doesn't make sense? Or can you believe in the big bang and also believe there is a god?


You can believe whatever you like. Now is that belief based on reason and evidence, that's a different matter.

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And if God was created by something, who created the thing that created God?


But then why was there a big bang in the first place? What existed before the big bang?


Going for a lay down.


My own theory is along the lines that when matter and anti-matter combine, they cancel each other out, creating nothing. The 'Big Bang' is the opposite, being that starting with 'nothing', the two types of matter decided to split apart, creating matter and anti matter in a reverse process of the above. My theory, but it suits me.

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