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If God created the Big Bang, what created God?

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My own theory is along the lines that when matter and anti-matter combine, they cancel each other out, creating nothing. The 'Big Bang' is the opposite, being that starting with 'nothing', the two types of matter decided to split apart, creating matter and anti matter in a reverse process of the above. My theory, but it suits me.


Well if it suits you Mr Alco, I'm sure that's all that matters! :huh:

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Maybe, just maybe, when the last stars burn out and the universe goes cold, gravity will take over and pull everything back together again in a 'Big Crunch'. Imagine all the material in our galaxy sucked into the supermassive black hole at the centre (Sagittarius A) and then that itself gobbled up by even bigger and bigger black holes until the singularity reaches a point of critical mass... And then around we go again?


Of course that doesn't explain how it all started the first time, but as MLAR states, they now know spacetime is a thing, rather than space and time existing side by side. So once such an event occurs there is no linearity or concept of 'before'.


Wow - that was deep. I must be sickening for something.

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And if God was created by something, who created the thing that created God?


But then why was there a big bang in the first place? What existed before the big bang?


Going for a lay down.


One theory states that since time itself didn't exist until the big bang then you cant have a "before". Horizon covered several theories



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My own theory is along the lines that when matter and anti-matter combine, they cancel each other out, creating nothing. The 'Big Bang' is the opposite, being that starting with 'nothing', the two types of matter decided to split apart, creating matter and anti matter in a reverse process of the above. My theory, but it suits me.


But if there's nothing (ie, no matter), then surely there's nothing to split apart?

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Maybe, just maybe, when the last stars burn out and the universe goes cold, gravity will take over and pull everything back together again in a 'Big Crunch'. Imagine all the material in our galaxy sucked into the supermassive black hole at the centre (Sagittarius A) and then that itself gobbled up by even bigger and bigger black holes until the singularity reaches a point of critical mass... And then around we go again?


Of course that doesn't explain how it all started the first time, but as MLAR states, they now know spacetime is a thing, rather than space and time existing side by side. So once such an event occurs there is no linearity or concept of 'before'.


Wow - that was deep. I must be sickening for something.


No it won't.

This was open to question 20 years ago, but it's since been measured.

In fact the expansion of the universe will continue at an ever increasing rate.


---------- Post added 25-02-2016 at 13:44 ----------


But if there's nothing (ie, no matter), then surely there's nothing to split apart?


There is substantial evidence that the total energy of the universe is zero.

That being the case, the most likely cause of cosmogenesis is from a large spontaneous fluctuation in vacuum energy.

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No it won't.

This was open to question 20 years ago, but it's since been measured.

In fact the expansion of the universe will continue at an ever increasing rate.


It's a really depressing thought that given the timescales involved that it could be possible that if the universe continues to expand, if any life still exists it will all die in the big freeze, then eventually all matter will decay until all that's left is a big empty space of nothing.

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