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Can anyone tell me will scrapmen take used electric cables?

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Anyway, in answer to the OP's now amended thread … 'Yes', the scrap-men will take anything you leave outside, be it wanted or not.


Only the other day, did I leave outside some spare fissile materials in the black, plastic wheeled confinement chamber outside the kitchen door laboratory, not just for safe keeping, but also a last ditch attempt to stop my hair falling out … spare uranium, plutonium, that sorta thing.

Next day, not only had the confinement chamber been moved to the front of the facility … it was empty!


It's not that easy to get this sort of stuff, so, naturally, I'm quite annoyed. I reported the theft to the police who're apparently sending out an armed response/tactical unit (complete with the helicopter :thumbsup:) team today. Good to see they take this sort of theft so seriously.

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Don't think so Pete, they will just put the wire in a bonfire and burn off the plastic. The scrapmen will take owt.


Your council is thinking about your needs "Cable burning to recover metal

This is the burning of metal cables to remove the plastic insulation to allow the salvage or recovery of the metal beneath.

Cable burning is an offence unless authorised as a scheduled activity under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007."


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