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'Sheffield buses 'are now on time' - Sheffield Star fiction

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Have not seen any bunched up buses last couple of weeks. Seen a few close ones, but not four back to back with a similar number like used to be the norm.

If that caries on I call it an improvement.

Edited by dutch
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Most of my experience with buses is currently with 24/25, it used to be 25/25a/53. (24 and 53 evenings and Sundays only).


Generally the 24/25 set off on time and run quite well, my only complaint being the long journey times on the new route.


However there are examples like this morning, there was one long traffic jam from Greenhill to Eyre Street in town plus lots of people waiting to get on at many of the stops - as a result it was about 15 minutes late arriving in town despite a right time start from Bradway and the next bus that had left Bradway 12 minutes later (also on time) caught it up in town and both departed Arundel Gate for Woodhouse together.

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What we really need are London type buses with driver doors and doors in the middle.


Not a fan - with middle doors the seating capacity is much reduced and downstairs on a double decker is reduced to wheelchair spaces and a couple of priority seats, everyone else has to go upstairs!


Other thing with London buses is they are cashless - you either have to have an Oyster smart card or pay by debit card - there is no paying the driver in cash.


I think a lot of Sheffield people would not be happy with that arrangement.

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What we really need are London type buses with driver doors and doors in the middle.


We had these years ago and back then there was no requirement for wheelchairs and pushchair/buggy spaces. However, it still reduced the seating capacity quite a lot though. I agree with Andy below as I wasn't a fan of them either.


Not a fan - with middle doors the seating capacity is much reduced and downstairs on a double decker is reduced to wheelchair spaces and a couple of priority seats, everyone else has to go upstairs!


Other thing with London buses is they are cashless - you either have to have an Oyster smart card or pay by debit card - there is no paying the driver in cash.


I think a lot of Sheffield people would not be happy with that arrangement.


Anything to speed up boarding buses would be welcome by me so I wouldn't mind the London system. Even the ticket machines are slower these days on the buses. I still prefer the old Wayfarer ticket machines.

Edited by Sheff2006
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The number 8/8a that I use is never on time. In fact it's often a full five minutes or more early and then spends that five minutes at manor top waiting. :confused:

But invariably it's late or missing but then a bus travelling from Crystal Peaks to Ecclesfield and back is going to be pretty hard pushed to keep to a timetable.

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Not a fan - with middle doors the seating capacity is much reduced and downstairs on a double decker is reduced to wheelchair spaces and a couple of priority seats, everyone else has to go upstairs!


Other thing with London buses is they are cashless - you either have to have an Oyster smart card or pay by debit card - there is no paying the driver in cash.


I think a lot of Sheffield people would not be happy with that arrangement.


Many countries run buses with multiple entry/exit doors, many are extension buses, it does not need to be a double decker.


When my busses get stuck it is because a large amount of people need to get on and each and every person has to communicate and discuss with the driver.

At least the people getting off could have done that without delaying people getting on and people with a valid pass could enter at rear door while fewer people bother the driver reducing significant waste of time.

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when i drove a bus,the times where set by two people one driving,and the other writing down the times,the bus set off on the route with a not in service sign on,did not pick up any passengers all ways went out at a round 11.00 am to 12.00 am, and not at peake times.

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when i drove a bus,the times where set by two people one driving,and the other writing down the times,the bus set off on the route with a not in service sign on,did not pick up any passengers all ways went out at a round 11.00 am to 12.00 am, and not at peake times.


all done on computers now.

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