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More than 85% of public tip offs on benefit 'frauds' are false

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The Government is using this initiative to distract people from the real problem - there are not enough jobs. The answer to this problem is a citizens' wage. This is an amount of money paid to everyone over the age of 18 regardless of whether they work or not.

Where's that money going to come from? Oh yes, taxpayers of course.

You are having a windup aren't you, people who get off their backsides and go to work are already fed up of paying for the feckless brigade. If you haven't noticed, unemployment is down to about 5 percent which is virtually classed as full employment, allowing for people changing jobs, so there's no reason for any able bodied person to be long term unemployed.

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Most of the people committing benefits fraud will also be committing tax fraud.

What makes you say that?


Most people on benefits won't get enough money to pay tax. If people commit benefit fraud it's usually in desperation so they have enough money to live on.

Many of the companies that commit tax fraud are already very rich and do it out of pure greed.

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What makes you say that?


Most people on benefits won't get enough money to pay tax. If people commit benefit fraud it's usually in desperation so they have enough money to live on.

Many of the companies that commit tax fraud are already very rich and do it out of pure greed.


Benefits fraud can involve having undeclared income, undeclared income is tax fraud.

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What makes you say that?


Most people on benefits won't get enough money to pay tax. If people commit benefit fraud it's usually in desperation so they have enough money to live on.

Many of the companies that commit tax fraud are already very rich and do it out of pure greed.

Benefits aren't taxed. I believe the new benefit cap is 21K.if someone is working and earning that they'll pay about 2K in tax plus NI. I think your sympathy is somewhat misplaced.

You've said consistently on other threads 'we should be clamping down on the bankers', but never said where the 20 billion they pay in tax and the 2.2 million jobs in financial services are going to come from when they move overseas to a more advantageous tax regime.

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If you haven't noticed, unemployment is down to about 5 percent which is virtually classed as full employment, allowing for people changing jobs, so there's no reason for any able bodied person to be long term unemployed.


Ha, ha do you really believe all that tripe the right wing media tells you and IDS's quarterly unemployment figures?


A friend of mine has been sent on a six month work experience on a farm doing 30 hours a week! starting at 8.00 am. She wants to do admin work, but she is digging fields and collecting rubbish.The company running it told them it took them off the unemployment figures every time they were put on work experience. Cheap labour for £10 a day dole money. That's not even the national minimum wage!

And you believe these unemployment figures?:suspect:

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There are hundreds of thousands of tip offs from the public every year. Unfortunately a lot are from ex partners, sacked workers, disgruntled employees, rival businesses etc etc. Plus all those reports about a next door neighbour who goes on more holidays and has a bigger car than the caller or those who just repeat what some loud mouth down the pub has bragged about.


All should be looked at, but a huge barrel of salt is always required.


Are you talking about benefits or a little good old tax avoidance ?

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Benefits aren't taxed. I believe the new benefit cap is 21K.if someone is working and earning that they'll pay about 2K in tax plus NI. I think your sympathy is somewhat misplaced.

You've said consistently on other threads 'we should be clamping down on the bankers', but never said where the 20 billion they pay in tax and the 2.2 million jobs in financial services are going to come from when they move overseas to a more advantageous tax regime.


If the tax regime is more beneficial abroad, whats stopping them moving overseas? I note NSBC were bleating about doing this just before the last election, fearing Labour would gain power.

A month ago they put out a statement like a dog with its tail between its legs, changing their minds!

I wonder why?:suspect:

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The Government is using this initiative to distract people from the real problem - there are not enough jobs. The answer to this problem is a citizens' wage. This is an amount of money paid to everyone over the age of 18 regardless of whether they work or not.



There are plenty of jobs out there. The problem is some people on benefits dont want to work because they get paid too much in benefits to make working worthwhile.

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Ha, ha do you really believe all that tripe the right wing media tells you and IDS's quarterly unemployment figures?


A friend of mine has been sent on a six month work experience on a farm doing 30 hours a week! starting at 8.00 am. She wants to do admin work, but she is digging fields and collecting rubbish.The company running it told them it took them off the unemployment figures every time they were put on work experience. Cheap labour for £10 a day dole money. That's not even the national minimum wage!

And you believe these unemployment figures?:suspect:


Ha, ha, so she wants to do admin work, well I wanted to be chairman of ICI when I left school but I was disappointed, the vacancy had already been filled.

Unfortunately, if you're able bodied you make your own luck and I'm sure that if she's capable of doing an admin job she'll get one. I presume she does have qualifications.


---------- Post added 28-02-2016 at 18:44 ----------


If the tax regime is more beneficial abroad, whats stopping them moving overseas? I note NSBC were bleating about doing this just before the last election, fearing Labour would gain power.

A month ago they put out a statement like a dog with its tail between its legs, changing their minds!

I wonder why?:suspect:

They changed their mind because tax arrangements here are beneficial. Do you think they'd stay here if they weren't? For instance if Labour had gained power.

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