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Ecclesfield Road (Woolley Wood Bottom) speed limit/closures


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Hi, having lived in Sheffield for 32 years I have crossed that road many times and never have I had a problem with it. No one has ever died from crossing that road. Plus even if it's a 40 people will still do 60, as the road in normal conditions is capable of that.

I can beat that...60 years of living in Sheffield and seen how traffic has increased over those years. Today's cars are capable of faster speeds than bygone years, and I know from experience how difficult it is to cross as a pedestrian.

As for still doing 60 mph if the speed limit were reduced, a few speed cameras would catch the culprits.

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I blame Amey, before they resurfaced that road it was uncomfortable to do more than 40, now people treat it as a race track.


Id bet you'd blame them more if that road wrecked your car when it was in a bad condition

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Id bet you'd blame them more if that road wrecked your car when it was in a bad condition


My car has never been in a bad condition and more to the point it has never suffered any damage from Sheffield's roads.

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That road is a 60mph road.


It is not however an overtaking road, and therein lies the problem when people are on there on days with good driving conditions plucking along at 25-30 mph and people stuck behind them try to overtake.


It should remain a 60 (weather conditions permitting) but have double solid white lines.


Actually the most dangerous section is the junction with deep lane where people try to join the road by simply pulling out without looking, that's where the majority of accidents occur and it has nothing to do with the 60mph speed limit.

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I get fed up on this road when you get stuck behind a car going about 30mph with clear road conditions. It is a nice long straight stretch of road and needs to stay NSL. There are plenty of places for pedestrians to cross so you can't use that as an excuse.


The problem is when people try to overtake the slow cars where is is unsafe, so as stated above it needs double solid white lines down the centre

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There are plenty of places for pedestrians to cross so you can't use that as an excuse.

Where are these places?

There are no pedestrian crossings on this road.

Crossing a road with traffic travelling at 60mph is not easy.

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It's also not impossible, and it's not the busiest road on the planet, there are plenty of gaps in traffic on there.


The only issue would be with someone who had difficulty walking but to be honest, if you were that infirm you wouldn't be walking along that stretch of road to begin with.


It's hardly a pedestrian hotspot with people hopping from one side of the road to the other. I've lived in the area all my life, regularly walk along the road with my dog and drive along it AT LEAST four times a day and have never once, not once in my fourty years seen anyone cross this road.


---------- Post added 05-03-2016 at 10:21 ----------


Quick abridgement to say I'm talking exclusively about the 60mph stretch

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I sometimes cross it on the 60 mph stretch to get to the footbridge over the oldd Arthur Lees site while walking the dog. It's not a problem you just have to wait for a suitable break in the traffic. Like crossing any road you just have to use common sense.

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