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University course and anti-gay Facebook post.

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They are a business. If they want to put their misguided views on homosexuality first, that's fine. Don't run a business.


The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.



Everyone should have the right to run a business in a way that doesn't infringe on their religious and moral beliefs.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 19:32 ----------


Which is easy for us because we don't believe a sky pixie is going to torture gays/adulterers etc etc for all eternity.


However sadly lots of muslims and christians and jews do. Hence they take a dim view of it. I rather this relious guff was consigned to the rubbish bin but given there are billions of em its not going away any time soon so it seems a bit odd to expect them to lie about their sincerely held views, however silly they seem rational people.


I couldn't agree more.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 19:33 ----------


I'm intolerant of people who think they don't have to abide by the rules that I, as a small business and every other B&B, have to.


What makes them so special?


Would you be happy for the rules to be changed so that everyone had right to run a business in a way that doesn't infringe on their religious and moral beliefs.

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We still are a christian country and people should not be persecuted for following or expressing christian beliefs.


However, in these days of nonsense political correctness anyone going on Facebook is stupid for saying anything which can get themselves into trouble with those who are in a position to sack them from their job, or remove them from an educational establishment.


We are?


How many people are practicing Christians then, as opposed to just ticking the box marked anglican because everyone esle does?


The British Social Attitudes survey found that 49% were of no religion last year, and 42% Christian.....

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I thought this Country was the bastion of free speech. just goes to show how wrong you can be.




You are free to say anything you like as long as you don't mind the consequences of saying it. That rule probably applies to every country on earth. :)

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Everyone should have the right to run a business in a way that doesn't infringe on their religious and moral beliefs.


What planet are you on?


So in your world, everyone should have a right to run their business the way they choose in line with their beliefs.


So I could choose to run my business with a refusal to serve black people, Chinese people, no women and choose that everyone under 25 should be paid 50% less than anyone else for the same job because my "belief" is that young ones don't deserve it eh?


Remember the 40s 50s 60s do you? Remember how things used to be, you know when those pesky coloured people were mocked, taunted, abused and only good for service jobs hidden out of the way. Remember when those gay people were publically persecuted, arrested, attacked and insulted on a daily basis. Remember back in those good old days when women were only good enough to be tea ladies and typists.


Its simple. If you CHOOSE to run a business you run it within the laws of this country. Those laws include anti-discrimination. If you don't like that, you don't run a business or bugger off somewhere else who has laws more in line with your beliefs.


Its academic whether someone is running a sandwich bar out of their kitchen or 800+ staffed law firm.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What planet are you on?


So in your world, everyone should have a right to run their business the way they choose in line with their beliefs.


So I could choose to run my business with a refusal to serve black people, Chinese people, no women and choose that everyone under 25 should be paid 50% less than anyone else for the same job because my "belief" is that young ones don't deserve it eh?


Its simple. If you CHOOSE to run a business you run it within the laws of this country. Those laws include anti-discrimination. If you don't like that, you don't run a business or bugger off somewhere else who has laws more in line with your beliefs.


Its academic whether someone is running a sandwich bar out of their kitchen or 800+ staffed law firm.


Yes I think you should have that right but I think your business would fail, I also think you should have the right to refuse service to racists, homophobes, and people that smell really bad.

Edited by sutty27
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Would you be happy for the rules to be changed so that everyone had right to run a business in a way that doesn't infringe on their religious and moral beliefs.

I would be happy for the rules to be changed.


They can exclude who they like on the proviso that they are required to put a sign on the front door and their website outlining their religious and moral beliefs.


Do you think that might help them to change their beliefs all by themselves?

Edited by Eric Arthur
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We are?


How many people are practicing Christians then, as opposed to just ticking the box marked anglican because everyone esle does?


The British Social Attitudes survey found that 49% were of no religion last year, and 42% Christian.....


No idea, but it is a fact Britain is still recognised as a christian country by the high court. There was an high court ruling last year which stated that Britain is traditionally a christian country and it remains so. There was some court case about atheism being removed from the teaching in some schools. From my understanding atheism is allowed to be taught in schools provided in his not in religious education lessons. Also our Queen and our Prime Minister say Britain is a christian country.

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