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University course and anti-gay Facebook post.

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Exactly. Why do we allow these private mafias to exert such control over taxpayer funded professions?


It isn't a private mafia - it's legislated for by Parliament & is a statutory body.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 21:51 ----------


You implied it when you said, No the people elect members of parliament and a government is formed who create laws.


No I didn't imply it. You read something into it that I didn't mean or suggest.

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So a private business has a completely unaccountable veto on who may be eligible for qualifications from a uni needed to enter a public sector job neither party set the entry stamdards for?


And you think thats fine?


Of course it's fine. Training institutions have responsibility for ensuring the standards are met for certain professions. They play a vital role in weeding out people who are unsuitable.

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For the FINAL TIME!!


They BELEIVE that homosexuality is wrong. They are entitled to believe that.


WHY does that belief allow them to exclude gay people from staying in their hotel accommodation?


Those gay people are not forcing them to join in with their sexual practices are they? They are staying in a bloody hotel room.


IF the bible does say that homosexuality is wrong. So what? The bible DOES NOT say that homosexuals should be excluded from your PUBLIC SERVICES


Seriously, how hard is this concept to understand.


Jesus, somebody get me a brick wall.


Are there any people that you would refuse to accommodate if you had your own hotel, or would you be happy to provide accommodation to rapists, racists, murders, child molesters?

Edited by sutty27
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Of course it's fine. Training institutions have responsibility for ensuring the standards are met for certain professions. They play a vital role in weeding out people who are unsuitable.


In this case they have decided to weed out religious people who object to gay marriage. Maybe next they'll weed out blacks or gingers.


How do we as the people paying for social services have a say? It seems entirely in the hands of this company.

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Are their any people that you would refuse to accommodate if you had your own hotel, or would you be happy to provide accommodation to rapists, racists, murders, child molesters?


Until a Judge has determined them guilty of their crimes and incarcerated them according to his sentence I would treat them the same as I would any other member of the public wishing to use my business.


If they were released and rehabilitated rapists etc etc the same would apply.


They are a person. A member of the pubic. If they are allowed to be freely walking around the streets my business is there to serve them as much as anyone else.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 21:58 ----------


Just out of interest. If people have such strong beliefs in Christianity that homosexuality is wrong - how do they explain the fact that we now have gay priests who are giving services on the same text. How come we now have opened our Christian churches to perform same sex marriage ceremonies?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I am intolerant of people who deliberately and maliciously use it as some tool to prejudice others and deny access to their services.


Anyone is entitled to believe in whatever they want, they can have faith in whichever spirit they desire and practice it in such a way that they wish BUT they have no right to force that position on others OR deny others their rights to live freely when they CHOOSE to provide a public service.


As for your clarification, the fact that these people refused non married couples to share a room is even worse. What decade do they think they live in.


Not fit to be running a business if they are going to have outdated and ridiculous prejudices like that.


Wonder if Mr and Mrs Moralistic would have allowed Mary to stay in the stables. After all, woman turns up in the middle of the night pregnant by someone other than her husband and being followed by three male strangers who gather around her and are present at the birth!


Oh dear. Quick, someone inform the Daily Mail.


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For the FINAL TIME!!


They BELEIVE that homosexuality is wrong. They are entitled to believe that.


WHY does that belief allow them to exclude gay people from staying in their hotel accommodation?


Those gay people are not forcing them to join in with their sexual practices are they? They are staying in a bloody hotel room.


IF the bible does say that homosexuality is wrong. So what? The bible DOES NOT say that homosexuals should be excluded from your PUBLIC SERVICES


Seriously, how hard is this concept to understand.


Jesus, somebody get me a brick wall.




In your excitement to show your intolerance, you have forgot one of your previous posts contents.

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