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University course and anti-gay Facebook post.

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There was also the case of the Relate Counsellor, Gary McFarlane who was sacked because he refused to counsel same sex couples. He complained to the European Court that Relate didn't accommodate his religious beliefs, though they sided with his employer.

Very strange as, like the University student under discussion, he could have anticipated that he may have to support gay people.



People might not like who we are or what we do, they cannot discriminate in the provision of public services - that's the law. Perhaps they should choose a different profession???


With regards to the B&B owners I'm not sure the size of the business or the business owners age is relevant, however had me & my partner chose to stay the night with them I probably would've taken the decision not to seek legal proceedings. Ditto with the bakers in Ireland - I would've just gone to a different bakery. Though that's purely a personal thing

In the eyes of the law, then I agree it is irrelevant. However, you have to be a petty and sad individual to put an elderly couple through all the stress they endured just because you have different beliefs.


Any decent person would do what you said you would do, if it happened to you.

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In the eyes of the law, then I agree it is irrelevant. However, you have to be a petty and sad individual to put an elderly couple through all the stress they endured just because you have different beliefs.


Any decent person would do what you said you would do, if it happened to you.


Agreed .


Some people really need to lighten up a little and not take differing views to theirs as an insult.

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Being anti gay is stupid. Making anti gay comments on line is asking for trouble. They did the right thing binning him Religion is no excuse for homophobia.


Did he make any anti gay comments? All I saw were an objection to gay marriage and a bible quote.

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In the eyes of the law, then I agree it is irrelevant. However, you have to be a petty and sad individual to put an elderly couple through all the stress they endured just because you have different beliefs.


Any decent person would do what you said you would do, if it happened to you.


They are a business. If they want to put their misguided views on homosexuality first, that's fine. Don't run a business.

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Did he make any anti gay comments?


Not that I saw.


Being pro gay seems to be fashionable these days; I am sure we all have different views about who should be allowed to a state marriage, and the terms of divorce.

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Not that I saw.


Being pro gay seems to be fashionable these days; I am sure we all have different views about who should be allowed to a state marriage, and the terms of divorce.


Are you confusing pro equality with pro gay?


I'm not "pro" any specific sexuality, what people do between consenting adults isn't my business.

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Are you confusing pro equality with pro gay?



Well, being anti-gay marriage is being sited as being anti-gay; I think there is a difference.

I am sure many gays do not announce their sexuality in certain places, sport for one, but other places seem to be the opposite.

I know a very camp comedian, who everyone thinks is gay, but in fact he is happily married.

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Are you confusing pro equality with pro gay?


I'm not "pro" any specific sexuality, what people do between consenting adults isn't my business.


Which is easy for us because we don't believe a sky pixie is going to torture gays/adulterers etc etc for all eternity.


However sadly lots of muslims and christians and jews do. Hence they take a dim view of it. I rather this relious guff was consigned to the rubbish bin but given there are billions of em its not going away any time soon so it seems a bit odd to expect them to lie about their sincerely held views, however silly they seem rational people.

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