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University course and anti-gay Facebook post.

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Religion is not LAW.



No its a set of beliefs which are probably different to mine and yours, you don't think they should have the right to force their beliefs onto others, given that you hold such a position why are you happy to force your beliefs onto them.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 21:38 ----------


No the people elect members of parliament and a government is formed who create laws. The couple could've gone to the ECHR, not sure how much good it would've done them....

But I think you're tying yourself up in knots - I don't think it's that complicated.


So you agree 100% with everything the elected government does and you never question the decisions they make.

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Religion is not LAW.


I have asked four times now - Where exactly in the bible does it say that homosexuals can be discriminated against and refused access to a service by a business.


Where exactly in any Christian text does it categorically say that these "sinners" must be persecuted without tolerance and forgiveness.


That is what law is. You will.... You will not... It is permitted to... It is forbidden to..... A clear set of rules.


Christian text is an INTERPRETATION based on stories from a multitude of witnesses and gospels. Its not set in stone and not even read the same way by their own mouthpieces.


How can you possibly compare it to a legal statute.

While you were busy looking for references to homosexuality, you must have missed the bits which mention The Ten Commandments.

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Of course it has. Being at uni is a bit like being at work in some ways. There is a code of conduct etc.. and just like at work you can be disciplined for breaching it


So a private business has a completely unaccountable veto on who may be eligible for qualifications from a uni needed to enter a public sector job neither party set the entry stamdards for?


And you think thats fine?

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No its a set of beliefs which are probably different to mine and yours, you don't think they should have the right to force their beliefs onto others, given that you hold such a position why are you happy to force your beliefs onto them.


---------- Post added 01-03-2016 at 21:38 ----------



So you agree 100% with everything the elected government does and you never question the decisions they make.


No, I never said that I did :confused:

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For the FINAL TIME!!


They BELEIVE that homosexuality is wrong. They are entitled to believe that.


WHY does that belief allow them to exclude gay people from staying in their hotel accommodation?


Those gay people are not forcing them to join in with their sexual practices are they? They are staying in a bloody hotel room.


IF the bible does say that homosexuality is wrong. So what? The bible DOES NOT say that homosexuals should be excluded from your PUBLIC SERVICES


Seriously, how hard is this concept to understand.


Jesus, somebody get me a brick wall.

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So a private business has a completely unaccountable veto on who may be eligible for qualifications from a uni needed to enter a public sector job neither party set the entry stamdards for?


And you think thats fine?


A bit like the NMC in regards to student nurses and midwives?

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While you were busy looking for references to homosexuality, you must have missed the bits which mention The Ten Commandments.


Oh glory be. I was just waiting for someone to bring this up.


Thou shalt have no other gods before me

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy

Honour thy father and thy mother

Thou shalt not kill

Thou shalt not commit adultery

Thou shalt not steal

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

(neighbour's house)

Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's wife)

Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's servants, animals, or anything else)


Nothing about homos and hotel rooms in there. Neither are they a defined set of statues considering there has been significant references to killing in the same texts. I seem to remember a quite famous religious figure was killed.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Exactly. Why do we allow these private mafias to exert such control over taxpayer funded professions?


Did you know it is illegal to practice as a staff nurse or a midwife unless you are on the NMC register, and to be on that register to have to abide by their code of conduct?

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