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University course and anti-gay Facebook post.

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According to whom? A social worker has to deal with generally edgy people. Why would them not being an i love everyone and everything hippy be an issue? (And having read the social media pollicy of this pathetic company they are probably the most left wing caricature of a shower of pc <Removed> I have ever seen)


You are ones half of a gay couple going through an adoption process and Mr Ngole walks through the door. For whatever reason you know his views on same sex marriage from his Facebook page.


It's edge case, but like you say, that's what social workers deal in. Like the police we expect social workers to be falible humans but I think we can also expect them to be scrupulous in how they behave if it might affect their work and your life.

Edited by nikki-red
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You are ones half of a gay couple going through an adoption process and Mr Ngole walks through the door. For whatever reason you know his views on same sex marriage from his Facebook page.


It's edge case, but like you say, that's what social workers deal in. Like the police we expect social workers to be falible humans but I think we can also expect them to be scrupulous in how they behave if it might affect their work and your life.


Same scenario but let's make the social worker a Muslim wearing a headscarf. You know Muslims teach that homosexuality is a crime and in some Muslim countries they would imprison you or even kill you... they certainly wouldn't let you adopt. If the Muslim social worker can do her job and put aside religious beliefs then would it be right to stop her doing the job?


In fact it is highly unlikely anyone would even recognise the guy in question or know about his views, which is not so when people wear their religion on their sleeve so to speak. Perhaps social workers should be banned from wearing anything that betrays religious beliefs?


I don't think the potential implications of the decision to bar this person from social work has been thought through before being made.

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Are you a sinner if you have points on your license, been divorced etc


None of us would be of good enough character in order to become a social worker ;)


God is all knowing so knows what you thinking and having the wrong thoughts is enough to make you a sinner in the eyes of the believers, quoting passages from the Bible or Koran wouldn't make you a sinner though, its a believers religious duty. ;)


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:08 ----------


Correction. They have weeded out somebody who said things they shouldn't given the profession they had chosen.


In your opinion why does quoting the Bible make him more unfit to be a social worker than if he had never quoted it? Religious people can make very good social workers because they tend leave the judgement of your wrongdoings to God.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:10 ----------


He only had a wonky view on 5% of the population, some have a hatred for 50% ;)


Yes how could a Labour supporter make a good social worker when they will be confronted with vulnerable people that support the conservatives. Even support for a football team would make you unfit to practice. ;)


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:12 ----------


According to whom? A social worker has to deal with generally edgy people. Why would them not being an i love everyone and everything hippy be an issue? (And having read the social media pollicy of this pathetic company they are probably the most left wing caricature of a shower of pc <Removed> I have ever seen)


Wasn't it a punch of social workers that thought children growing up in a family that supported UKIP was a really bad idea.


UKIP couple have foster children removed from care by bigoted social workers.


Edited by nikki-red
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“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”


Well quite. It's a shame that the fire and brimstone wing of the religiously pious don't look at themselves before castigating others for their sexuality.

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According to whom? A social worker has to deal with generally edgy people. Why would them not being an i love everyone and everything hippy be an issue? (And having read the social media pollicy of this pathetic company they are probably the most left wing caricature of a shower of pc <Removed> I have ever seen)


They are free to think what they want in private but when it involves groups that are protected in law against discrimination then it becomes unprofessional if they express their views in public.


This really shouldn't be difficult to understand.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:45 ----------



In your opinion why does quoting the Bible make him more unfit to be a social worker than if he had never quoted it? Religious people can make very good social workers because they tend leave the judgement of your wrongdoings to God.


Because he is promoting discrimination against people who are protected in law from discrimination. Simple as that. The religion aspect is a red herring really.

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God is all knowing so knows what you thinking and having the wrong thoughts is enough to make you a sinner in the eyes of the believers, quoting passages from the Bible or Koran wouldn't make you a sinner though, its a believers religious duty. ;)


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:08 ----------



In your opinion why does quoting the Bible make him more unfit to be a social worker than if he had never quoted it? Religious people can make very good social workers because they tend leave the judgement of your wrongdoings to God.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:10 ----------



Yes how could a Labour supporter make a good social worker when they will be confronted with vulnerable people that support the conservatives. Even support for a football team would make you unfit to practice. ;)


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 07:12 ----------



Wasn't it a punch of social workers that thought children growing up in a family that supported UKIP was a really bad idea.


UKIP couple have foster children removed from care by bigoted social workers.



Religious people could make very good social workers - but the point is, is that this man didn't leave the judgement of other people's wrongdoings to God. He chose to use social media to castigate other people; and used the Bible as a stick to beat others with. Personally I find those that use their holy texts to support their prejudices usually shut their mouths very quickly when it is pointed out that their own behaviour transgresses their religious teachings.

Probably there is more to this story than we're being told....Nevertheless he's clearly not very bright and his judgement is poor if he chose to air his prejudices on social media. So the University made the right decision.

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Religious people could make very good social workers - but the point is, is that this man didn't leave the judgement of other people's wrongdoings to God. He chose to use social media to castigate other people; and used the Bible as a stick to beat others with. Personally I find those that use their holy texts to support their prejudices usually shut their mouths very quickly when it is pointed out that their own behaviour transgresses their religious teachings.

Probably there is more to this story than we're being told....Nevertheless he's clearly not very bright and his judgement is poor if he chose to air his prejudices on social media. So the University made the right decision.

I don't think he was castigating anyone by supporting Kim Davis. He was supporting the lady's right to stand by her religious beliefs, which is why she refused to issue marriage licences to gay couples and ended up in jail.


I suspect those who made the decision had other issues after speaking with him which concerned them. We don't know the full story, but he was foolish by attracting attention on Facebook, which either rightly or wrongly contributed to him being thrown of the course.

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Same scenario but let's make the social worker a Muslim wearing a headscarf. You know Muslims teach that homosexuality is a crime and in some Muslim countries they would imprison you or even kill you... they certainly wouldn't let you adopt. If the Muslim social worker can do her job and put aside religious beliefs then would it be right to stop her doing the job?


In fact it is highly unlikely anyone would even recognise the guy in question or know about his views, which is not so when people wear their religion on their sleeve so to speak. Perhaps social workers should be banned from wearing anything that betrays religious beliefs?


I don't think the potential implications of the decision to bar this person from social work has been thought through before being made.


You are missing a very crucial point. The man in question was judged by his actions, rather than his beliefs. So that standard is carried over to Muslims where they too will be judged by their actions.

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Because he is promoting discrimination against people who are protected in law from discrimination. Simple as that. The religion aspect is a red herring really.


No he didn't, he didn't say or imply that he would discriminate against anyone, your opinion comes from your own prejudices.


You really don't understand faith in God do you, its not a choice and he didn't write the rules that God expects him to follow.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 08:49 ----------


Religious people could make very good social workers - but the point is, is that this man didn't leave the judgement of other people's wrongdoings to God. He chose to use social media to castigate other people; and used the Bible as a stick to beat others with. Personally I find those that use their holy texts to support their prejudices usually shut their mouths very quickly when it is pointed out that their own behaviour transgresses their religious teachings.

Probably there is more to this story than we're being told....Nevertheless he's clearly not very bright and his judgement is poor if he chose to air his prejudices on social media. So the University made the right decision.


He didn't judge or castigate anyone, the fact that you think he did comes from your own prejudices.


---------- Post added 02-03-2016 at 08:52 ----------


You are missing a very crucial point. The man in question was judged by his actions, rather than his beliefs. So that standard is carried over to Muslims where they too will be judged by their actions.


No he wasn't, he was judged because of his beliefs, if he had supported gay marriage on face book I doubt very much that he would have been kicked off the course, so it wasn't the action of typing something on face book that got him kicked off, it was his beliefs.

Edited by sutty27
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