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Is Donald Trump a conman?

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Very few big name republicans will publically support Trump. His proposed solution to ban all Muslims from the US is a tough proposition, even for the old guard republicans to swallow.


All Muslims are not the problem. Maybe vetting procedures are and some groups or countries need a much more thorough analysis, which will slow the inbound process. The primary problem that Muslims have is that a tiny percentage of them have hi-jacked their religion. My estimate is less than .01% of the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world today.


The Muslim countries themselves must coalesce to clean up this problem. The first question is can they do it, including the complete removal by force of ISIS ? Second one is, given a reasonable timeframe, does the west assist if they are not able ? Advice and equipment only ? Or these two plus boots on the ground ?


Finally, the infusion of millions of Muslim refugees (political or otherwise), who historically do not integrate well in a new country, needs a different solution other than mass emigration.


Their host country has to provide it, albeit with financial and infrastructure assistance from the west. This will include temporary housing, food/water, work where possible, and clothing and schools away from the belligerent areas, that can be secured from ISIS, and other belligerent groups

I believe the Arab nations themselves, not the UN, must first take the lead on a plan such as this. If they do, assistance will follow

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Isn't it fascinating that those that criticises other cultures worse traits, seem all to willing to forget our own worse traits. If you just look at the last 100 years of European history you end up dropping that veneer of superiority. After all, it was only around 20 years ago that Europeans were slaughtering each other.


While muslims slaughter each other and any other religion on an almost daily basis

Id vote for trump,least hes honest,says what he sees,breathe of fresh air,an honest politician :)

Edited by staninoodle
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don't be silly. He's the most dishonest of them all. He wouldn't be able to deliver even a small fraction of the things he's promised.


because he's such an infant, has no experience and no appreciation of what a politician can or cannot do, he doesn't even know that he cannot deliver, but that doesn't make him honest.

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While muslims slaughter each other and any other religion on an almost daily basis

Id vote for trump,least hes honest,says what he sees,breathe of fresh air,an honest politician :)


If you compare this to how many people Europeans have slaughtered in the last hundred years, it suggests that we should careful about taking the high moral ground.


When you say honest, are you talking about the times he said he's always been against the war in Iraq, when he has been quoted many times during the war in Iraq as supporting it?

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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You've become so much more blatant than you were before; this is undisguised racist tripe.


Nobody can choose their race which is why criticism of race is ridiculous. People do however choose religion and criticism of peoples choices, beliefs and actions is not only justifiable but essential to protect values and principles.


If someone chooses Islam then they have made a bad choice because it is evil nonsense. It teaches children that all non-Muslims will burn in hell for eternity - do you think that is very nice, or true, or endearing to non-Muslims? It teaches children that the punishment for apostasy is death - I wonder what social services would have to say about that if people weren't so scared of the racism label? It teaches that homosexuality is a crime - wouldn't that be a hate crime if religious induce hate wasn't protected? It is a religion that subjugates woman and treats them as second class citizens - wouldn't that be something you would criticise if it was the Catholic Church? The Koran is filled middle-age barbarism that is not presented to children as historic mistakes and injustices to avoid but as things to revere!


I feel sorry for Muslims because most have been brainwashed from birth into believing evil nonsense. And when they are grown they must feel trapped into compliance by their culture and community. But it doesn't change the fact that Islam is evil nonsense and they could choose not to perpetuate it.


People like you Halibut, screaming 'racist', are traitors to your own principles and values. Seriously, can you only judge other peoples beliefs, values and actions if you share skin tone, religion or nationality? It is childish nonsense. Man up.

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Is Donald Trump a conman?




He is! :nod:


---------- Post added 07-05-2016 at 09:59 ----------


"This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies," Cruz said at a press conference. "He lies — practically every word that comes out of his mouth.":D




People are SUCH suckers for it :loopy:

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I watch the US election process fairly closely and have not heard Trump ever described as "Honest." Many other adjectives but not that one.


He's in place now because the US (read conservative) voters want a change (non politician) from the old "dyed in the wool" politicians that are paid off by lobbyists, and don't do what they said they would when elected.


The only honest politician in the election is Bernie Sanders.

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People do however choose religion


no they don't. I grew up in a very secular family, I was never baptised and nobody in it ever attended any church.


I never even realised I was Christian until I lived in Jerusalem. Not that I suddenly began to believe in God or anything - I remained, and still remain, as athiest as ever I was. I realised I was Christian, because I wasn't Muslim, and I wasn't Jewish. I realised I came from a Christian-type family, like others - who might be just as secular and non-religous as I am - came from a Muslim-type family or a Jewish-type family. The choice of or a belief in a God is not necessarily what determines whether you are Christian, Muslim or Jewish. You can be secular, or even athiest Christian, or Muslim or Jewish. It's your family background that determines what you are. It's that we celebrated Christmas when we were growing up, and they didn't. Whereas they celebrated Purim and Eid, and we didn't.

Edited by blake
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Trump haters kept saying he hadn't a chance.

Now he's got the most nominations for Republican candidate, they're saying he won't be elected president.

Stranger things happen on an almost daily basis.

As a betting man, I wouldn't call it just yet, but I'll have to hurry while betting is still allowed.:loopy:

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