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Is Donald Trump a conman?

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hahhahah. You seriously believe that?


Just because the media chooses to keep low key when it comes to white westerners committing atrocities in the name of religion does not mean it does not happen.


I would do a little research pal. Even more so in America.


There has been several murders, shootings, public disorder created in the name of extreme Christianity. Unfortunately due to the media's obsession with fitting things into a narrative, they are defined as "lone wolfs" "mentally disturbed" "revenge attacks" never is the T word used when its a white American.


You think Christianity does not have its collections of extreme nutters pushing their agenda on others. Have you heard of places like the Westbro Baptist Church.


The Christian world has evolved and is now largely secular. As a result it is infinitely more tolerant, peaceful and prosperous than the parts of the world still dominated by religion... especially the Muslim world from which millions are now trying to flee.


Yes, there are Christian lunatics like the Mormons in the US but they are there already, pose minimal threat and there is no further mass migration of Mormons wanting to enter the country and boost their ranks... if there were then the Americans would be wise to keep them out too.


The whataboutism arguments are pointless because they do not change the simply fact that most Americans can happily live without Islam and therefore keeping it, and it's associated problems, out (as much as possible) makes sense. When someone comes up with a way to stop Islam oozing extremism then Trump's policy will become redundant... until then containment is the only practical solution on the table.

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I doubt any of the 'moderate' Muslims who introduced their sons and daughters to Islam intended them to go off and join the likes of ISIS... but it has happened hundreds, if not thousands, of times in this country alone. That's the risk you take when you propagate a religion that preaches hateful nonsense and you rely on those you teach not to take it literally. Too many do take it literally and those practising and perpetuating the religion share responsibility for these outcomes.

oh give over with the lies and scapegoating, theres numerous reasons why people are suckered into joining ISIS and its nothing to do with parents teaching kids the koran. you look at the profiles of some of the big names that joined from europe. they are all either violent criminals or known to the police, in other words they are already in an extremist mindset.

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oh give over with the lies and scapegoating, theres numerous reasons why people are suckered into joining ISIS and its nothing to do with parents teaching kids the koran. you look at the profiles of some of the big names that joined from europe. they are all either violent criminals or known to the police, in other words they are already in an extremist mindset.


You think it's just a trillion to one coincidence that they share religion and culture?!? I didn't know it was possible for someone to get their head that far up their own backside in search of denial.

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The outcomes aren't the same. We are not threatened by extremist Christians, we are not spending billion containing the threat, we are not having liberties and freedoms eroded in the name of security because of the threat. Christianity has managed to reform enough for people not to cross over into extremism... unlike Islam.


Both religions are clearly nonsense but one is dangerous nonsense that the world would be a lot better off without and must be challenged. Why defend people who preach such hate with whataboutism arguments? Why don't you have the courage to denounce such disgusting and hateful views? Why defend a religion that incites extremism?


I'm not defending Islam, I'm countering your obvious prejudice. You attack Muslims as an entity, rather than criticise just the extremists actions. You don't want Muslims living in this country. Fine I get it, but apart from inventing a time machine you are going to have to find a way to deal with your issues.


You talk about me showing courage when you can't get over your pitiful insecurities. I know things that are different from you can be threatening sometimes, but I find the way you lack the moral courage to get over your fears as being pathetic.


You criticise Muslims because they say unbelievers are going to hell, but are more than happy to come up with your pseudo-sociology to excuse Christians who believe exactly the same thing. Classic conformation bias.

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Yes, there are Christian lunatics like the Mormons in the US but they are there already, pose minimal threat and there is no further mass migration of Mormons wanting to enter the country and boost their ranks... if there were then the Americans would be wise to keep them out too.


There are loads of Christian break-away groups throughout the world as well as in the USA and Africa. Anything from Methodists to Baptists and Presbatarians to Scientologists to Moonies, not to mention the red necks in the Deep South.

Why do you single out Mormons as lunatics and what threat don't they pose that other religious groups do?

What religion were previous USA presidents, Kennedy was a Catholic and a serious womaniser. So much for religious Presidents.

Edited by poppet2
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There are loads of Christian break-away groups throughout the world as well as in the USA and Africa. Anything from Methodists to Baptists and Presbatarians to Scientologists to Moonies, not to mention the red necks in the Deep South.

Why do you single out Mormons as lunatics and what threat don't they pose that other religious groups do?


I single them out because they are the most well known of the lunatic Christian sects in the US... I used them as an example people would be familiar with.

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You think it's just a trillion to one coincidence that they share religion and culture?!? I didn't know it was possible for someone to get their head that far up their own backside in search of denial.




ill say it slower


if youve read the background stories to some of the paris attackers and those from belgium thats been around the news the past year or so, most of them are from criminal backgrounds, ie:- armed robbery, drugs, petty theft etc.

The islamification is secondary, some are obviously from muslim families but some are drawn in and become "converts", not one news story has announced, well its because the parents taught them the koran your honour. in those peoples cases they were obviously having extremist tendencies BEFORE they started looking into extremist islam.


theres also others drawn to it, some are nieve and see the propaganda that the islamic state will create a nice peaceful caliphate, and some fall for it hook line and sinker.

Then obviously you do get those that are caught by the extremist ideology preached in certain mosques and online. along with the propaganda videos showing the west as devils.



its NOT just a case of us good, islam bad that youd like to portray to make your warped views seem, normal and balanced

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I'm not defending Islam, I'm countering your obvious prejudice. You attack Muslims as an entity, rather than criticise just the extremists actions. You don't want Muslims living in this country. Fine I get it, but apart from inventing a time machine you are going to have to find a way to deal with your issues.


I attack Islam and by default all Muslims who are responsible for propagating and perpetuating it and the evils it induces. I would like to see the whole world rid of religion but top of the list comes Islam because it is currently the most destructive and dangerous. Ironically, the countries that would benefit most from this are Muslims countries where it's toxic influence has been so damaging that millions are now wanting to flee.


You talk about me showing courage when you can't get over your pitiful insecurities. I know things that are different from you can be threatening sometimes, but I find the way you lack the moral courage to get over your fears as being pathetic.


So you are saying I'm insecure because I am fed up of the threat emanating from Muslim communities, billions of our taxes being spent policing the threat and hard won freedoms and rights being chipped away at in order to try and contain the threat? Complaining that Islam fails to comply with the principles of religious freedom means I'm frightened and pathetic? Haven't you got any grown up arguments?


You criticise Muslims because they say unbelievers are going to hell, but are more than happy to come up with your pseudo-sociology to excuse Christians who believe exactly the same thing. Classic conformation bias.


That is just one of the things that I criticise Muslims for... you don't think it a touch ironic that Muslims complain about feeling alienated by people who they preach such hateful ideas about? Who exactly is responsible for the alienation?


I make no excuses for Christians and have had many heated debates on here over the criticisms I have made. I simply prioritise threat and where the criticism needs to be targeted. You on the other hand seek any excuse to avoid criticising Islam and it's followers because you are terrified of being labelled racist.


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 20:44 ----------




ill say it slower


if youve read the background stories to some of the paris attackers and those from belgium thats been around the news the past year or so, most of them are from criminal backgrounds, ie:- armed robbery, drugs, petty theft etc.

The islamification is secondary, some are obviously from muslim families but some are drawn in and become "converts", not one news story has announced, well its because the parents taught them the koran your honour. in those peoples cases they were obviously having extremist tendencies BEFORE they started looking into extremist islam.


theres also others drawn to it, some are nieve and see the propaganda that the islamic state will create a nice peaceful caliphate, and some fall for it hook line and sinker.

Then obviously you do get those that are caught by the extremist ideology preached in certain mosques and online. along with the propaganda videos showing the west as devils.



its NOT just a case of us good, islam bad that youd like to portray to make your warped views seem, normal and balanced


99% of British citizens who have gone to join IS will have come from a Muslim background/community. Islam is what induces the extremism and you are making yourself look stupid denying it.


Islam is bad and pointing out examples of how the rest of the world isn't perfect doesn't change the fact. We are better off without Islam and Trump has the right idea wanting to keep it out of America until such time as Muslims find a way to reform their troublesome religion.


---------- Post added 10-05-2016 at 20:46 ----------


Well this is not the USA, so let's have some examples.


No this isn't the USA but the topic is about Trump and his policies for the USA... keep up!

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oh give over with the lies and scapegoating, theres numerous reasons why people are suckered into joining ISIS and its nothing to do with parents teaching kids the koran. you look at the profiles of some of the big names that joined from europe. they are all either violent criminals or known to the police, in other words they are already in an extremist mindset.


Mohammad Sidique Khan: aged 30. Khan detonated his bomb just after leaving Edgware Road tube station on a train travelling toward Paddington, at 8:50 a.m. He lived in Beeston, Leeds, with his wife and young child, where he worked as a learning mentor at a primary school.


Doesn't sound like a violent criminal that was known to the police.


What other than his religious beliefs drove him to leave his wife and kids in order to kill himself along with innocent British people?

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