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Is Donald Trump a conman?

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No this isn't the USA but the topic is about Trump and his policies for the USA... keep up!


Good, So perhaps you can reply to my question in post#145 that you wrote about Mormons being lunatics. Why's that then? :huh:

Edited by poppet2
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Mohammad Sidique Khan: aged 30. Khan detonated his bomb just after leaving Edgware Road tube station on a train travelling toward Paddington, at 8:50 a.m. He lived in Beeston, Leeds, with his wife and young child, where he worked as a learning mentor at a primary school.


Doesn't sound like a violent criminal that was known to the police.


What other than his religious beliefs drove him to leave his wife and kids in order to kill himself along with innocent British people?

as i said some, not all, i also said theres various reasons why they started doing what they did.

i ALSO mentioned the paris attacks and Belgium, as these are the most recent, and the ones i remember the details from

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as i said some, not all, i also said theres various reasons why they started doing what they did.

i ALSO mentioned the paris attacks and Belgium, as these are the most recent, and the ones i remember the details from


There is only one thing they all have in common and without this common factor they wouldn't be blowing themselves up, and they wouldn't be joining ISIS. This common factor is Islam.

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Good, So perhaps you can reply to my question in post#145 that you wrote about Mormons being lunatics. Why's that then? :huh:


They are lunatics because they actually believe there is a god that give a flying fig about homosexuals, pornography, gambling, tobacco, alcohol etc.


They are lunatics because they believe Joseph Smith received a revelation from God and then proceded to dig up some inscribed golden plates that he then translated into the Book of Mormon.


They believe in Jesus and that after the resurrection (yep - coming back to life) he went on holiday to America and when he returns he will first appear in Jerusalem before heading off to Missouri to visit the Mormons.


There is plenty of stuff out there on the web about their fantastic beliefs if you want to find out more if you don't already. It is all nonsense and I pity anyone who waste their life believing and following such rubbish. But, if it makes you feel better, I acknowledge they pose little to no threat to non-believers and therefore are reasonably safe to leave alone... unlike the highly troublesome Islam.

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Trump is going to make America great again!

But he doesn't say how!

Besides when was America last great anyway?

Was it in the sixties during the Vietnam war, or at the time of The bay of pigs, or during the Seventies when they started their huge deficit?

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They are lunatics because they actually believe there is a god that give a flying fig about homosexuals, pornography, gambling, tobacco, alcohol etc.


They are lunatics because they believe Joseph Smith received a revelation from God and then proceded to dig up some inscribed golden plates that he then translated into the Book of Mormon.


They believe in Jesus and that after the resurrection (yep - coming back to life) he went on holiday to America and when he returns he will first appear in Jerusalem before heading off to Missouri to visit the Mormons.


There is plenty of stuff out there on the web about their fantastic beliefs if you want to find out more if you don't already. It is all nonsense and I pity anyone who waste their life believing and following such rubbish. But, if it makes you feel better, I acknowledge they pose little to no threat to non-believers and therefore are reasonably safe to leave alone... unlike the highly troublesome Islam.




When there are people like this about its no wonder the trump is doing so well


I have to say that the prospect of him having even half a chance of winning in any presidential contest is frankly terrifying -


Indeed - and the likes of Zamo, who so readily leaps to the defense of the utterly repellent, racist, mysogynistic, bullying oaf that is Trump while at the same time actively promoting ill-will against his fellow British Muslims.

Had Zamo been around in the 1930's you can bet he'd be merrily spreading ill will against another well known group of people.

Loathsome behaviour.

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