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Is Donald Trump a conman?

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That's not going to help him, though. Misogyny and racisim are not big vote winners outside the states that would vote Republican anyway. The support he's getting from both the KKK and Vladimir Putin won't play well with a lot of the electorate, either.


Polls indicate that the majority of Americans now support his immigration policy... so it does appear to be a vote winner.


Labelling it racist to want to limit the damaging influence of Islam is not going to stop people in the non-Muslim world rejecting it and that is something the political elite need to get their heads around quickly. The rise of far right and nationalist parties across Europe are testament to this. Trump's proposal to ban Muslims entering the US, and it's popularity, is testament to this.


Attacking Trump is ultimately futile because it fails to address the root cause problem. Islam has a toxic impact wherever it goes and unless a way can be found to stop this then tolerance for Muslims in the West will continue to shrink and the desire for walls of separation will grow. We need an alternative proposal that works if we are to avoid the walls going up. What's the plan?

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. Islam has a toxic impact wherever it goes.


hardly anybody in the USA is a Muslim. It's about 1%.


Trump hasn't got a prayer in this election. Even if he manages to equal what Romney did, and who lost comprehensively, it will be a miracle. A lot of conservatives who voted Romney in 2012 won't vote for Trump this time. They won't vote for anybody and they'll stay at home. Trump isn't like them. He isn't a conservative.

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hardly anybody in the USA is a Muslim. It's about 1%.


Americans can see the mess Islam has made in the Muslim world, they can see the trouble it is bringing to Europe as the number of Muslims increases and they can see they don't have that many problems with a population of 1% Muslims. Can you not see why Americans might want to keep it that way?


Trump hasn't got a prayer in this election. Even if he manages to equal what Romney did, and who lost comprehensively, it will be a miracle. A lot of conservatives who voted Romney in 2012 won't vote for Trump this time. They won't vote for anybody and they'll stay at home. Trump isn't like them. He isn't a conservative.


The polls seem to agree with you but I would suggest that just one Islamic terrorist attack on US soil between now and the election could swing it entirely. Just watching what will unfold in Europe over the summer will also have an influence. And then there is Clinton, with so many skeletons in the closet that could suddenly flare up into an election loser. And with only two candidates... you are a brave man making the call despite what the polls currently say!

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I would suggest that just one Islamic terrorist attack on US soil between now and the election could swing it entirely.


you haven't got a very high opinion of the judgement of the American people, have you. Like not a few people watching from afar, you may be thinking that the crowds at Trump's rallies are in some way representative of the voters as a whole, when they are not.


why would anybody would think that if there is some kind of Islamist 'October surprise' kind of event like a major terrorist incident, then that means millions would automatically flock under Trump's banner, a guy who has no experience of politics at any level at all, and especially international? Rather than under the banner of the candidate they are familiar with, who they don't have to take so much of a chance on, and who's had a great deal of experience at the absolute top level for a quarter of a century, and who's been, and recently, Secretary of State?


in the last election, 60 million voted for Mitt Romney. This is an election that Romney lost by a largish margin. What are those voters going to do this time? And especially those voters who are habitual Republicans, who always vote that way?


both the former presidents Bush won't be endorsing Trump. They not only won't campaign for him. They won't even issue a message of support for him. They probably won't even vote for him.


ditto the previous Republican candidates Romney, Tim Ryan and McCain. They won't be voting for Trump either. They're not even going to turn up at the Republican convention when they are the senior figures in the party. Same goes for dozens of other top level Republicans.


do you think that the millions of habitual Republican voters, who always vote Republican election after election, aren't going to notice that?


Sarah Palin will probably be there at the convention unless Trump realises she is even more of an electoral liability than him and bars her.


for sure Clinton has many faults and should have been vulnerable, if the Republicans had had a field of nominees that included a half-decent candidate. And yes of course it is a two-horse race. But there's never been a candidate, even an incumbent like Reagan in his 1984 landslide year, who has ever been such an overwhelming bookies' favourite as Clinton is now.

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you haven't got a very high opinion of the judgement of the American people, have you. Like not a few people watching from afar, you may be thinking that the crowds at Trump's rallies are in some way representative of the voters as a whole, when they are not.


why would anybody would think that if there is some kind of Islamist 'October surprise' kind of event like a major terrorist incident, then that means millions would automatically flock under Trump's banner, a guy who has no experience of politics at any level at all, and especially international? Rather than under the banner of the candidate they are familiar with, who they don't have to take so much of a chance on, and who's had a great deal of experience at the absolute top level for a quarter of a century, and who's been, and recently, Secretary of State?


in the last election, 60 million voted for Mitt Romney. This is an election that Romney lost by a largish margin. What are those voters going to do this time? And especially those voters who are habitual Republicans, who always vote that way?


both the former presidents Bush won't be endorsing Trump. They not only won't campaign for him. They won't even issue a message of support for him. They probably won't even vote for him.


ditto the previous Republican candidates Romney, Tim Ryan and McCain. They won't be voting for Trump either. They're not even going to turn up at the Republican convention when they are the senior figures in the party. Same goes for dozens of other top level Republicans.


do you think that the millions of habitual Republican voters, who always vote Republican election after election, aren't going to notice that?


Sarah Palin will probably be there at the convention unless Trump realises she is even more of an electoral liability than him and bars her.


for sure Clinton has many faults and should have been vulnerable, if the Republicans had had a field of nominees that included a half-decent candidate. And yes of course it is a two-horse race. But there's never been a candidate, even an incumbent like Reagan in his 1984 landslide year, who has ever been such an overwhelming bookies' favourite as Clinton is now.


I have roughly the same level of opinion of Americans as I do Europeans. And every time there is an Islamic terrorists attack, or some other negative event (like mass sexual assaults) in Europe, more people reach the conclusion that letting millions of Muslim refugees in isn't such a good idea and support for far right and nationalist increase. Have you not notice that happening?


I admire tolerant societies but tolerance must have limits or you abandon your principles and values. Where the lines is is different for different people. For more than 50% of Americans it appears it has already been crossed and they don't want any more Muslims coming into their country because of the problems that comes with them and their religion. Another Islamic terrorist attack would clearly push more Americans over the line. Maybe not enough to elect Trump but that is the direction of travel in both America and Europe. Unless Muslims get their problems under control then rejection is inevitable... it's human nature regardless of what country or culture you are from.

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also Muslims in the USA have a totally different kind of profile, than Muslims in Europe do. I don't think Zamo realises this.


Muslims there are not to a large extent descended from people from former European colonies like they are in Europe, like from Algeria and Pakistan. They come from all over the place. Traditionally most USA Muslims were from the Arab countries, although most Arab Americans aren't Muslims at all, but Christians.


more recently the immigrants or 1st generation USA Muslims are likelier to come from not the Middle East but South Asia.


they immigrate under the rules. Which means they have to pass tests. They have to have a certain educational level. They don't just sneak across the border and get a job in a carwash like Mexicans and other central Americans can.


this is why unlike in Europe, Muslims in the USA have about the same educational and income levels that the average American does, and if you exclude the 25% of USA Muslims who are blacks, then it is higher.


to put all Muslims even ones in the USA alone never mind the total global Muslim population of nearly 2 million people in the same box, which is obviously what Trump did - and also a lot of other people do - is just getting it wrong.

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also Muslims in the USA have a totally different kind of profile, than Muslims in Europe do. I don't think Zamo realises this.


Muslims there are not to a large extent descended from people from former European colonies like they are in Europe, like from Algeria and Pakistan. They come from all over the place. Traditionally most USA Muslims were from the Arab countries, although most Arab Americans aren't Muslims at all, but Christians.


more recently the immigrants or 1st generation USA Muslims are likelier to come from not the Middle East but South Asia.


they immigrate under the rules. Which means they have to pass tests. They have to have a certain educational level. They don't just sneak across the border and get a job in a carwash like Mexicans and other central Americans can.


this is why unlike in Europe, Muslims in the USA have about the same educational and income levels that the average American does, and if you exclude the 25% of USA Muslims who are blacks, then it is higher.


to put all Muslims even ones in the USA alone never mind the total global Muslim population of nearly 2 million people in the same box, which is obviously what Trump did - and also a lot of other people do - is just getting it wrong.


Different profile or not, Americans must look at the terrible impact Islam has had on the Muslim world, look at what is happen in Europe and ask themselves if they are not better off keeping Islam out until it has resolved it's problems (not any time soon).


The thing is that non-Muslims can live quite happily without Islam. In fact the experience across Europe is that we'd be happier, safer and richer without Islam. Why would the Americans want to take a punt by inviting more Muslims in when there is so much to loose and not a lot to gain?

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Different profile or not, Americans must look at the terrible impact Islam has had on the Muslim world, look at what is happen in Europe and ask themselves if they are not better off keeping Islam out until it has resolved it's problems (not any time soon).


The thing is that non-Muslims can live quite happily without Islam. In fact the experience across Europe is that we'd be happier, safer and richer without Islam. Why would the Americans want to take a punt by inviting more Muslims in when there is so much to loose and not a lot to gain?


You've become so much more blatant than you were before; this is undisguised racist tripe.

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Nothing Racist in that post old boy . You can put the race card away .


Isn't it fascinating that those that criticises other cultures worse traits, seem all to willing to forget our own worse traits. If you just look at the last 100 years of European history you end up dropping that veneer of superiority. After all, it was only around 20 years ago that Europeans were slaughtering each other.

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