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Free movement of people

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You've made a big point of emphasising the unknown risks of leaving.

Increasingly draconian anti-terrorist legislation is a risk which is surely exacerbated by staying in.


Whilst there will always be immigration and border control is not supposed to be 100%, if you have excessively weak border control you have to have more aggressive domestic policing to counter the fall-out from that.


The point is that I'm not prepared to give up my rights to reduce the paranoia of people who worry excessively and irrationally about a handful of people they will never come into contact with.

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The point is that I'm not prepared to give up my rights to reduce the paranoia of people who worry excessively and irrationally about a handful of people they will never come into contact with.

how do you feel about turkey blackmailing the eu into letting them join and charging them 6 billion pounds just so they can look after the refugees:roll:

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Could the UK not veto this?


Not sure as we are not in Schengan so not directly affected. However as per my last Hungary seem to have vetoed it anyway. Viktor Orban seems one of a handful of EU politicians that care about defending Europe.

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Populations have always moved, trying to prevent it is a fools errand and will only lead to avoidable misery and death.


It's surprising how many people that are poltically aligned with the free movement of capital, and all that it entails, are often the selfsame people who want draconian restrictions on the movement of people. That's the moral level of pulling up the drawbridge as you cross to safety, and to be expected.

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Annie....Are you ready to welcome Turkey into the European Union? Food for thought for all you stayers.


---------- Post added 07-03-2016 at 19:15 ----------



But right up there for being great countries to reside in.


You would not be able to have the right to reside in Switzerland under Brexit rules as you cannot afford it.

It cost Chaplin $9 million and you would not have a clue how and who to negotiate with.

It is only the Swiss need to become EU associated that allows EU citizens to reside. Their deal is with the EU. UK citizens would have to leave eg a 75 year old UK citizen has no right to remain in Switzerland after their partner dies.

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You would not be able to have the right to reside in Switzerland under Brexit rules as you cannot afford it.

It cost Chaplin $9 million and you would not have a clue how and who to negotiate with.

It is only the Swiss need to become EU associated that allows EU citizens to reside. Their deal is with the EU. UK citizens would have to leave eg a 75 year old UK citizen has no right to remain in Switzerland after their partner dies.


I'm sure given the third world dross the EU are foisting on them and the fact they are our major export partner we can cut a mutually agreeable deal with our Swiss friends to ensure old Doris isn't chased out in a hail of cuckoo clocks clocks if her hubby passes away.


Next scaremongering nonsense...pull!

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The point is that I'm not prepared to give up my rights to reduce the paranoia of people who worry excessively and irrationally about a handful of people they will never come into contact with.


I'm happy to give up some rights to protect the UK population including the people with their heads buried in the sand.


---------- Post added 08-03-2016 at 07:09 ----------


Indeed. The EU's opening position is just to give in to blackmail, from our 'NATO ally'.


I just pray we are out before they open the floodgates even further.


---------- Post added 07-03-2016 at 20:23 ----------




Victor Orban to the rescue again it seems.


Sounds like they've agree a crappy deal.


All migrants will be sent back from Greek islands to Turkey but for each one sent back the EU will have to take one from Turkey and settle them in the EU.


For this we get to give Turkey lots of money and visa free access to the Schengen area.


Good deal for Turkey and the migrants crap deal for the EU population another reason to leave the EU.

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