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US agents planted the seeds of discontent in these country's, the Arab Spring phenomenon was engineered by the US= http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-us-engineered-arab-spring-the-ngo-raids-in-egypt/28433

Are you saying that arabs are that easily swayed, like children, or idiots? I have a bit more respect for them than you mafya.

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US agents planted the seeds of discontent in these country's, the Arab Spring phenomenon was engineered by the US= http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-us-engineered-arab-spring-the-ngo-raids-in-egypt/28433


So you saying that Arabs throughout the Arab world were content with their lot until a few US-funded activists sowed seeds of discontent, and that they were stupid enough and gullible enough to destroy their contented life by uprising against leaders they liked.

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US agents planted the seeds of discontent in these country's, the Arab Spring phenomenon was engineered by the US= http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-us-engineered-arab-spring-the-ngo-raids-in-egypt/28433


This is interesting Mafya and I have had my own suspicions.


"Malaysia: NED-funded “Bersih” protesters are attempting to sow division and instability to pave the way for IMF stooge Anwar Ibrahim to return to power and enter the people of Malaysia back under Anglo-American servitude"


CIA tactics have remained the same over the last 50 years!


Divide and rule :gag:

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This is interesting Mafya and I have had my own suspicions.


"Malaysia: NED-funded “Bersih” protesters are attempting to sow division and instability to pave the way for IMF stooge Anwar Ibrahim to return to power and enter the people of Malaysia back under Anglo-American servitude"


CIA tactics have remained the same over the last 50 years!


Divide and rule :gag:


There is a problem with hateful division across the Muslim world and Western governments may well be guilt of stoking it to suit their own ends. However, the division itself is not the doing of the West. The division, along religious, ethnic and tribal lines, is all their own work. It is the product of the dysfunctional culture dogged by the discriminatory and intolerant teachings of an unchallengeable religion. A religion that once it took hold, condemned an entire region of the world to a medieval limbo from which it is unable to escape.


Should we allow the free movement of people infected by this cultural madness? No way. They have my pity and I am happy for the nations of the West to provide aid to people unfortunate enough to have been born into the madness. But allowing millions of Muslim migrants into the West is no cure for the the problem... it is just spreading the problem. And to top it off, these people bring with them financial burden and a huge strain on infrastructure that will make Europeans poorer during a prolonged period of economic downturn. There is zero prospect that this will be tolerated (especially when Islamic extremist will be trying to provoke a conflict) and it is inevitable that the surge of the far-right will continue until we have a violent clash of cultures. We'll all be losers if that happens but the biggest losers will obviously be Muslims. We need to stop thinking with our hearts and start thinking with our heads... this cannot end well and we must stop the migration.

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There is a problem with hateful division across the Muslim world and Western governments may well be guilt of stoking it to suit their own ends. However, the division itself is not the doing of the West. The division, along religious, ethnic and tribal lines, is all their own work. It is the product of the dysfunctional culture dogged by the discriminatory and intolerant teachings of an unchallengeable religion. A religion that once it took hold, condemned an entire region of the world to a medieval limbo from which it is unable to escape.


Should we allow the free movement of people infected by this cultural madness? No way. They have my pity and I am happy for the nations of the West to provide aid to people unfortunate enough to have been born into the madness. But allowing millions of Muslim migrants into the West is no cure for the the problem... it is just spreading the problem. And to top it off, these people bring with them financial burden and a huge strain on infrastructure that will make Europeans poorer during a prolonged period of economic downturn. There is zero prospect that this will be tolerated (especially when Islamic extremist will be trying to provoke a conflict) and it is inevitable that the surge of the far-right will continue until we have a violent clash of cultures. We'll all be losers if that happens but the biggest losers will obviously be Muslims. We need to stop thinking with our hearts and start thinking with our heads... this cannot end well and we must stop the migration.



Seems like a sensible on the money post.



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There is a problem with hateful division across the Muslim world and Western governments may well be guilt of stoking it to suit their own ends. However, the division itself is not the doing of the West. The division, along religious, ethnic and tribal lines, is all their own work. It is the product of the dysfunctional culture dogged by the discriminatory and intolerant teachings of an unchallengeable religion. A religion that once it took hold, condemned an entire region of the world to a medieval limbo from which it is unable to escape.


Should we allow the free movement of people infected by this cultural madness? No way. They have my pity and I am happy for the nations of the West to provide aid to people unfortunate enough to have been born into the madness. But allowing millions of Muslim migrants into the West is no cure for the the problem... it is just spreading the problem. And to top it off, these people bring with them financial burden and a huge strain on infrastructure that will make Europeans poorer during a prolonged period of economic downturn. There is zero prospect that this will be tolerated (especially when Islamic extremist will be trying to provoke a conflict) and it is inevitable that the surge of the far-right will continue until we have a violent clash of cultures. We'll all be losers if that happens but the biggest losers will obviously be Muslims. We need to stop thinking with our hearts and start thinking with our heads... this cannot end well and we must stop the migration.


That's an excellent post Zamo.

Our politicians (including the EU set up) are leading us into this situation. Why they cant see the problem is totally beyond me.

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