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Free movement of people

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Because imposition of borders makes it slower and less efficient to move around. If you have to go through passport control and have your goods cleared at each border that takes time and costs money.


Oh boohoo. Proper border controls/check's maximises safety. France must be mad to persist with Schengen. Francoise Hollande is failing in his first duty to protect the people of France from outside danger.

Edited by Hots on
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Find some decent figures and you can support your argument.


You find some to dismiss it, I'll bet you have never been to Spain and seen the British property owners on the Costas alone, never mind elsewhere, now tell me whereabouts in the UK that these EU citizens buy property in those sort of numbers !

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Working in Europe is not emigration, is not counted as emigration and cannot be measured.

Most UK people working in Europe would not and are not regarded as emigrants.


"... loosing the ability to move freely around the EU..." will cost hundreds of thousands of UK jobs dependent on free movement of labour, ideas and skills as well as hundreds of thousand more UK jobs lost in the UK as non- European companies leave so that they can do business in Europe.


I'm not sure what your point is. The NHS are out in the Phillipines as we speak recruiting nurses. The Phillipines isn't part of the EU, but that doesn't stop us trading with them, recruitng nurses from them, or going on holiday there.It does however allow us to pick and choose which ones come here.

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You find some to dismiss it, I'll bet you have never been to Spain and seen the British property owners on the Costas alone, never mind elsewhere, now tell me whereabouts in the UK that these EU citizens buy property in those sort of numbers !


I would also bet that most of the British that move to the two most popular destinations, Australia and the USA also buy property, and I can't see Spain wanting to kick the wealthy British retirees out of Spain.

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Despite what you think there are published figures for the countries that British people emigrate too and EU countries are on the list, but they are not the most popular destinations.


---------- Post added 06-03-2016 at 16:41 ----------



Importing stuff from other EU countries doesn't create jobs here, it creates jobs there.


Working in Europe is not emigrating to Europe.

Many hundreds of thousands of UK people every year work full time, part time short contracts, long contracts, or as paid advisors, consultants etc etc.

Many of these are self employed and will lose their jobs.

Many of these work for non-European companies and will lose their jobs.

Many work for global companies and will lose their jobs.


Even more will lose their jobs as companies move to EU countries.

Even more jobs are lost as non-European investment goes to the EU.


This minority of non-average people and their employers bring in huge amounts of foreign currency which will be lost and will have be paid for by devaluing the pound and cost each average person in prices.

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Working in Europe is not emigrating to Europe.

Many hundreds of thousands of UK people every year work full time, part time short contracts, long contracts, or as paid advisors, consultants etc etc.

Many of these are self employed and will lose their jobs.

Many of these work for non-European companies and will lose their jobs.

Many work for global companies and will lose their jobs.


Even more will lose their jobs as companies move to EU countries.

Even more jobs are lost as non-European investment goes to the EU.


This minority of non-average people and their employers bring in huge amounts of foreign currency which will be lost and will have be paid for by devaluing the pound and cost each average person in prices.


All unsubstantiated speculation.


Do you honestly think that leaving the EU will stop the UK being a consumerist society?



About 1.8m Britons live in Europe, with Spain boasting an expat population of just over 1m UK citizens, according to government estimates. Of the Britons living in Europe, 400,000 are claiming a state pension from the UK. That compares with an estimate of 2.34m EU citizens living in the UK, according to the latest official figures from Nomis – the National Online Manpower Information System, a service provided by the Office for National Statistics – based on passport records.


Edited by sutty27
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All unsubstantiated speculation.


Do you honestly think that leaving the EU will stop the UK being a consumerist society?


Speculation? -when the biggest non-European investing countries and the biggest non-European company owners and the biggest potential investors are telling us that the consequences of withdrawal will lead to an undermining of confidence in the UK economy and the withdrawal of investment and business.


The loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs and the devaluation of savings is not a risk that should be ignored.



Confusing living in and working in.


Don't understand the bit about a consumerist society.

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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Speculation? -when the biggest non-European investing countries and the biggest non-European company owners and the biggest potential investors are telling us that the consequences of withdrawal will lead to an undermining of confidence in the UK economy and the withdrawal of investment and business.


The loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs and the devaluation of savings is not a risk that should be ignored.


Don't understand the bit about a consumerist society.


Its obviously better for big business if we are in, they get access to more cheap labour and its easier for them and they get to make more money, that doesn't mean better for us or the smaller UK based businesses. If they leave someone here will fill the void they leave behind.


The British will continue being a consumerist society so either we will buy stuff or make stuff to consume, if we can't buy it from the EU we will buy it from someone else, if they won't sell we will produce it our selves which will create jobs here.


---------- Post added 06-03-2016 at 17:31 ----------


Confusing living in and working in.



How many do you claim are commuting?

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The whole discussion here seems to me that everybody forgot the time before establishing EU.

-As to the question of loosing jobs in UK because the companies will move to EU countries: This has absolutely nothing to do with UK membership in EU. It is matter of where they pay less or more for labour and where they get special tax breaks.

-As to the question of free movement: Again this has nothing to do with UK membership in EU. Everybody will be able to travel abroad as it was in the past - for leisure or work (if agreed before travelling), maybe there will be need of visa but why not? It should be right of the country to check who is coming in and who they want to come in and for what reason. Each country should have choice to declare what kind of workers/professions are needed so that there will not be a situation that people will move only because of certain country's benefit system.

-UK is one of those popular countries which has incredibly high number of visitors who bring money. This will not change if UK will stay or move out from EU.

- UK citizens who own properties or are employed abroad will not be effected by UK moving out of EU. They will pay the same property tax etc. as they do now because they are not citizens of the country they live in. And that country will not send them back to UK as they pay tax there etc.

- Do you think if UK will move out of EU all the foreign EU citizens living or working here will be sent back to their country of origin? NO, they will continue with their life as now here.

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