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Free movement of people

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The whole discussion here seems to me that everybody forgot the time before establishing EU.

-As to the question of loosing jobs in UK because the companies will move to EU countries: This has absolutely nothing to do with UK membership in EU. It is matter of where they pay less or more for labour and where they get special tax breaks.

-As to the question of free movement: Again this has nothing to do with UK membership in EU. Everybody will be able to travel abroad as it was in the past - for leisure or work (if agreed before travelling), maybe there will be need of visa but why not? It should be right of the country to check who is coming in and who they want to come in and for what reason. Each country should have choice to declare what kind of workers/professions are needed so that there will not be a situation that people will move only because of certain country's benefit system.

-UK is one of those popular countries which has incredibly high number of visitors who bring money. This will not change if UK will stay or move out from EU.

- UK citizens who own properties or are employed abroad will not be effected by UK moving out of EU. They will pay the same property tax etc. as they do now because they are not citizens of the country they live in. And that country will not send them back to UK as they pay tax there etc.

- Do you think if UK will move out of EU all the foreign EU citizens living or working here will be sent back to their country of origin? NO, they will continue with their life as now here.


I get the feeling most of the in support comes from people not before we joined, hence the reason they fear leaving. I agree with the rest of your post.

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Confusing living in and working in.


Don't understand the bit about a consumerist society.


Is that similar to those that come here to study, then end up staying? Some bogus colleges have been closed down. But even if their education is genuine, how many end up staying?

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The whole discussion here seems to me that everybody forgot the time before establishing EU.

-As to the question of loosing jobs in UK because the companies will move to EU countries: This has absolutely nothing to do with UK membership in EU. It is matter of where they pay less or more for labour and where they get special tax breaks.

-As to the question of free movement: Again this has nothing to do with UK membership in EU. Everybody will be able to travel abroad as it was in the past - for leisure or work (if agreed before travelling), maybe there will be need of visa but why not? It should be right of the country to check who is coming in and who they want to come in and for what reason. Each country should have choice to declare what kind of workers/professions are needed so that there will not be a situation that people will move only because of certain country's benefit system.

-UK is one of those popular countries which has incredibly high number of visitors who bring money. This will not change if UK will stay or move out from EU.

- UK citizens who own properties or are employed abroad will not be effected by UK moving out of EU. They will pay the same property tax etc. as they do now because they are not citizens of the country they live in. And that country will not send them back to UK as they pay tax there etc.

- Do you think if UK will move out of EU all the foreign EU citizens living or working here will be sent back to their country of origin? NO, they will continue with their life as now here.


Japanese companies have and are continuing to build plant and invest and employ.


Take Hitachi as an example.

They build trains and everything to do with trains.

Their first major UK contract is to build the replacements for the forty year old HSTs. Unsure of their commitment they decided to build an assembly plant in the UK from mainly Japanese components.

Having won further contracts in the UK and in Europe they wish to construct a component and assembly in the UK which will provide thousands of skilled jobs directly and indirectly including in this area.

Hitachi have an eye on the European market as it comes out of recession for which they are better tooled.

However a major competitor is the Vossloh Rail plant in Spain.


The clever Swiss have no influence at all in European rail design and construction rules so they bought Vossloh Rail in Spain. So now they do.


The clever Japanese will have influence in European rail design and construction rules only if the UK remain in the EU. They will move away on exit.


The very sad Norwegians engineering companies don't have a say either but they just close down- all for fish.


South Yorkshire's small engineering companies can supply future Hitachi needs only if the UK remain.

Risking thousands of highly skilled jobs and thousands more ordinary jobs and thousands more in the service sector is not a price to pay for the non competitive capitalist backers of exiters who wish to knock employment rights back into their pre war state and zero contract times.


The right to live in a European country is dependent on treaties. We will have no say in future treaties, they will be imposed on us and their will be plenty of countries who will seek to change.

For example right to live in Switzerland is dependent on a treaty between the EU and the Swiss. Their is no agreement of any description between the Swiss and the UK. On exit when your Swiss partner dies-you will leave as it was before.

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Economic activity creates money. If you wamt to make it more difficult for EU countries to trade in the UK, then they will reply in kind by making it more difficult to trade there.


You need to decide if it is economic activity or free movement of people you're arguing for.

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All unsubstantiated speculation.


Do you honestly think that leaving the EU will stop the UK being a consumerist society?



About 1.8m Britons live in Europe, with Spain boasting an expat population of just over 1m UK citizens, according to government estimates. Of the Britons living in Europe, 400,000 are claiming a state pension from the UK. That compares with an estimate of 2.34m EU citizens living in the UK, according to the latest official figures from Nomis – the National Online Manpower Information System, a service provided by the Office for National Statistics – based on passport records.



That sounds like a very healthy situation to me.


We have exported some of our non-productive retirees to the EU and replaced them with productive younger workers from the EU who claim few benefits and pay taxes. The net difference is about 500,000 and those are probably filling jobs people in the UK won't do.


Well done for highlighting this.

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That sounds like a very healthy situation to me.


We have exported some of our non-productive retirees to the EU and replaced them with productive younger workers from the EU who claim few benefits and pay taxes. The net difference is about 500,000 and those are probably filling jobs people in the UK won't do.


Well done for highlighting this.


We have exported some of our wealthy retirees to the EU and imported poor low skilled migrants that need state handouts to survive, so wealthy retires spend their wealth in Spain and poor EU migrants claim benefits here and send them home, doesn't sound like a good deal for us.


The government released analysis that claims 43% of EU migrants receive UK benefits.

Edited by sutty27
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We have exported some of our wealthy retirees to the EU and imported poor low skilled migrants that need state handouts to survive, so wealthy retires spend their wealth in Spain and poor EU migrants claim benefits here and send them home, doesn't sound like a good deal for us.


The government released analysis that claims 43% of EU migrants receive UK benefits.


Do you have any evidence to suggest that we export higher skilled people to the EU than we import? I have seen evidence to the contrary.

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Do you have any evidence to suggest that we export higher skilled people to the EU than we import? I have seen evidence to the contrary.


I didn't suggest that was the case but I would be interested in seeing your evidence.





Britain's brightest leaving in brain drain and replaced with low skilled migrants

Report shows exodus of highly skilled to overseas while David Cameron fails in his election pledge to slash immigration.


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Its obviously better for big business if we are in, they get access to more cheap labour and its easier for them and they get to make more money, that doesn't mean better for us or the smaller UK based businesses. If they leave someone here will fill the void they leave behind.


I think you have that the wrong way round.


Labour would be cheaper if we exited the EU. Reason is that leaving could allow the removal of a massive raft of labour legislation, and if the leave campaign gets its commonwealth trading bloc that would allow an influx of cheap labour from those countries.


Couple the two things together (less regulation and a workforce of a couple of billion already low paid people) and we couple see a massive influx.


You have to be very careful what you wish for.

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I think you have that the wrong way round.


Labour would be cheaper if we exited the EU. Reason is that leaving could allow the removal of a massive raft of labour legislation, and if the leave campaign gets its commonwealth trading bloc that would allow an influx of cheap labour from those countries.


Couple the two things together (less regulation and a workforce of a couple of billion already low paid people) and we couple see a massive influx.


You have to be very careful what you wish for.


If they wanted to allow an even larger influx of cheap labour from those countries they would already be doing it, the EU couldn't stop them.


Now you are just being silly, your opinion is that daft it can't even be described as scaremongering because all it will do is make people laugh.

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