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IDS finally gets his ESA disability benefit cuts

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You have to look after number one first and foremost . Yes there are some genuine disability claimants who cannot work and deserve every penny they receive in benefits, BIT there are also a lot of people who are swinging the lead and are more than capable of working but like the easy life on disability. These people deserve to lose their disability benefits.


Maybe these people who you suggest are enjoying their life on disability, are following your advice to look after number one first and foremost?

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I don't quite understand all the fuss being generated as according to that article; "The cuts will only affect new claimants or those who interrupt their claims for more than 12 weeks."


So will this affect those already claiming?


if they are deemed fit for “work-related activity”


Loads and loads of spin in that article. Cuts will affect selected few that are capable and non of those who aren't.

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Maybe these people who you suggest are enjoying their life on disability, are following your advice to look after number one first and foremost?
I knew one guy who retired in his 40s for health reasons. Got a mobility car and earned all told around 45k from various industrial and government pay outs. He loved it going on holidays to the Caribbean and Florida.


There was nothing wrong with him but he convinced his perplexed Doctor that he was paraplegic.


Died in his 60s of something completely unrelated to what he'd been claiming for. Karma that.

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Loads and loads of spin in that article. Cuts will affect selected few that are capable and non of those who aren't.


Where've you been for the last 5 years?


Take a look in Sheffield Forum's own Disability Group forum (in 'Sheffield Interest Groups') to see how often and how drastically it all goes wrong. Take a look at the government report that IDS tried to suppress, saying how many seriously ill people have died of their illness since being refused benefits, and how many have committed suicide. That's not spin.


And never forget you are only ever one accident away from joining the ranks of the disabled yourself.


---------- Post added 08-03-2016 at 19:36 ----------


Typical socialist worker.... Sorry, I mean Daily Mirror spin.


"dark day for disabled people" "forced through policy"


Horse crap.


Only "disabled people" affected are those deemed fit to work but aren't working.


Those severely disabled or with life long conditions will carry on receiving DLA just like they always have.


Our elected leaders have voted and put the bill forward. A load of unelected old farts have tried to block it. Now they cant. A winner for democracy and our elected house.


People who don't like it get their say at Election time.


Those of us who agree with the cuts had to put up with 13 years of Labour's interference and inflation of such benefits, massive overspends and inflation of the public sector.


In 2015 the people voted and we are where we are. Democracy is just that.


If I remeber rightly, the Conservatives resolutely refused to say what they were going to cut before the last election, for the obvious reason that they knew it would lose them the election. So you could say nobody voted for this.


Not such a great day for democracy after all....

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Typical socialist worker.... Sorry, I mean Daily Mirror spin.


"dark day for disabled people" "forced through policy"


Horse crap.


Only "disabled people" affected are those deemed fit to work but aren't working.


Those severely disabled or with life long conditions will carry on receiving DLA just like they always have.


Our elected leaders have voted and put the bill forward. A load of unelected old farts have tried to block it. Now they cant. A winner for democracy and our elected house.


People who don't like it get their say at Election time.


Those of us who agree with the cuts had to put up with 13 years of Labour's interference and inflation of such benefits, massive overspends and inflation of the public sector.


In 2015 the people voted and we are where we are. Democracy is just that.


Democracy? Cameron promised no cuts to benefits that effect kids. Hard working families on low wages have been PUNISHED by the Tories and this is becoming increasingly worse. Cameron promised that people would not be worse off if they were working - total horsecrap - that's Cameron's democracy. And he can't blame the Glib Dems because he was on his own then!

Edited by Hesther
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Where've you been for the last 5 years?


Take a look in Sheffield Forum's own Disability Group forum (in 'Sheffield Interest Groups') to see how often and how drastically it all goes wrong. Take a look at the government report that IDS tried to suppress, saying how many seriously ill people have died of their illness since being refused benefits, and how many have committed suicide. That's not spin.


Article spins simple fact that people capable of going back to work will receive same amount of money as other people capable of going back to work. Turns that simple fact nearly into holocaust where all disabled people will be put in camps. That is a spin.

I won't deny that there are many things wrong in the system but that has nothing to do with this piece of writing that I would not call reporting.

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Article spins simple fact that people capable of going back to work will receive same amount of money as other people capable of going back to work. Turns that simple fact nearly into holocaust where all disabled people will be put in camps. That is a spin.

I won't deny that there are many things wrong in the system but that has nothing to do with this piece of writing that I would not call reporting.[/QUOTE]


You haven't looked at the Disability section on SF then. Real stories of what the cuts are doing to real people. That is real reporting. People are in despair. I challenge anyone to read that and still think the legislation is fair.

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You seem to miss the whole point.

Even if people are being killed by shot in back of head by DWP employees if they fail assessment that has nothing to do with fact that this article is terrible piece of spin.

Take a step back and look at at with less emotions.

It takes one fact and blows it out of proportions.

Much like another fine newspaper claiming that queen is for Brexit because someone thinks she said something few years ago in completely different circumstances.

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You seem to miss the whole point.

Even if people are being killed by shot in back of head by DWP employees if they fail assessment that has nothing to do with fact that this article is terrible piece of spin.

Take a step back and look at at with less emotions.

It takes one fact and blows it out of proportions.

Much like another fine newspaper claiming that queen is for Brexit because someone thinks she said something few years ago in completely different circumstances.


People should know by now to take everything they read in the papers with a pinch of salt.


This is a thread about disability cuts, and you're obsessing about an article in a newspaper?


Try addressing the point, or are you trying to derail it?

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People should know by now to take everything they read in the papers with a pinch of salt.


This is a thread about disability cuts, and you're obsessing about an article in a newspaper?


Try addressing the point, or are you trying to derail it?


Should they take what they read in a forum of people who are losing money and therefore likely to be somewhat less than objective woth a pinch of salt?

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